Best Friend | Peter Parker

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Saw this post and was inspired to write something 😂
Also I gave the best friend a name to make it easier and their name will be... Sara but like not said Sarah idk say it how you want and have fun reading!
I walked into school with my friend ranting about how she saw this really cute guy, making me roll my eyes and chuckle. Of course, me being a huge fangirl and nerd, if they aren't Newt they aren't worth it.
"But his eyes! His eyes, I'm telling you!"
"Oh, did they glimmer or did they shine like a thousand stars at midnight? Because if not then you took a step down from your last swooning over a guy." I joked and she went pink, shoving my shoulder. I got a glimpse of someone walking around in a shirt and a jumper that were slightly oversized. Without noticing, both me and Sara had stopped walking and I was flat out staring at this guy who was laughing at something his friend said. He turned around, running a few fingers through his hair and I swear to god my heart beat stopped.
Peter Parker.
Always the first victim of Flash Thompson's newest temper tantrum, Peter Parker was the top of the class and a huge nerd, Ned was kinda his only friend but Michelle hung out with them at times, although she would just call then losers when they stared at Liz Allen.
Sara shoved my shoulder and smirked, wiggling her eyebrows, which made me scoff and hit her with one of my textbooks. "Absolutely not." I protested.
"You sure?"
"His name is Peter Parker, not Newt."
"Your obsession with that fictional character is stupid-"
'Ever thought about maybe I have the obsession because I don't want to like anyone else?'
I just sighed and tucked some hair behind my ear as we walked to out first lesson, Sara completely forgetting about Parker and continuing to swoon over a random black-haired guy with "emerald green" eyes that handed her the morning coffee today.

I walked out of the classroom hastily, trying not to be trampled by the stampede of students in the hallways. There was the sound of someone crashing into a locker and I shoved my textbook I was using in the lesson into my bag. I shoved until I got to the second ring of students crowding two people who were fighting. Flash was, once again, beating the shit out of Parker. "Flash get the hell off him!" I yelled and his burning gaze turned to me. The students in front of me parted like the red sea and I walked forwards. Parker was on the floor after being pushed their, a look of awe and gratitude on his face.
"What did you say to me?"
"Last I checked, you could hear fine, although your head is hollow. Did your brain not register those words? Get your hands off Parker."
"Why? He deserves what he gets."
"He's done less than me. He's innocent. If you're going to hurt someone you can hurt me, because at least I have the guts to do something. You're an asshole, Flash!" I grabbed Peter's arm and helped him up. Students gave way and moved to let me through as if I was jesus, and thank god for that. I sat down with Ned and Michelle, seeing as Sara was talking to someone at the moment.
"Sorry." He mumbled.
"Don't be," I said, waving it off, "you didn't do anything."
"Flash is gonna start picking on you, though.. You shouldn't be around us, we're losers."
"You guys like Star Wars, I'm pretty sure that gives you immunity." I said. Ned and Peter chuckled, but Michelle piped up.
"What about me?"
"You're awesome, Michelle, you're a queen! Slay!" I yelled and they just laughed with me. Sara finally noticed how I wasn't with her and she made her way over.
"Someone told me that you stood up for Penis Parker!" She squealed, taking some food with her overly done nails. She was my best friend, yeah, but that didn't excuse how with the trends she was- and how girly. She cleared her voice and glanced at Parker. "Sorry, I mean Peter."
He shrugged and looked down at his food. "It's fine. I don't mind."
"So... Is it true?" She said, clearly avoiding how Peter still looked upset.
"Yeah, Flash is an idiot."
"What? Swooning over jackass over there?"
"Well, he has nice hair-"
"Here we go again."
"What, I appreciate how good multiple guys look?"
"Have you seen him? He looks like he crawled through hell and then knocked on the gates of heaven covered in blood and dry mud thinking he looks hot."
Sara giggled and waved me off.
"I'd still like him."
"You like him? Hello?" I knocked on her head a couple of times, making sure to be gentle. "Anyone home?"
"Sorry." She apologised and I just shrugged it off.
"I should be the one to apologise, I'm just in a bad mood for some reason."
"Yeah, clearly." She said and then turned to her right at Peter, I could almost feel her giving him a fake smile. "I'm sorry Flash did that to you- is that a scratch?!"
"Yeah, but-"
She ignored him and started to fuss over it, even though it was clearly from when he fell over the day before yesterday. And when he fell then she cried with laughter. I was concerned, but I'm not now. He seemed fine, but she just used it as an excuse to 'worry' and try to get him close to her so she could use him like any other guy she's had in her room. She's my best friend, but it doesn't excuse her behaviour.
Looks like I'm gonna help him for the second time today.
"Uh.. Sara? A word?"
"A word in private?"
"Oh.. okay?"
We both stood up and headed out of the cafeteria, but as soon as we were out of sight and earshot, I put my hand on my hop and raised an eyebrow, huffing.
"You were literally just talking about how you like Flash!"
"Hey, hey.. you've never judged me before, do you like Parker?!"
The way I suffer to help people.
"Maybe I do, Sara! Just back off, he doesn't deserve to just the thrown away!"
"How do you know if I'll use him?"
"You've had, what? Twelve guys in your room? It's February, what the he'll are you doing?"
"It isn't twelve!"
"Whatever, I've lost count!"
"You can't stop judging people, can you?"
This conversation is long overdue.
"You said yourself I've never judged you before this! You're always asking me for favours and for help, yet I ask you to do one thing and you want to act as if I'm asking for the world? I'm so done with you, you're not a friend to me and I don't know why I didn't cut off things between us earlier. Don't even look in my direction, you're disgusting." I said, sighing and walking off.
"WHAT THE FU-" I closed the door behind me and quickly making my way to the cafeteria.
"Sorry, guys."
"We should be thanking you!" Peter pointed out and I gave a small smile.
"She was all over Peter, I mean did you see her rubbing his arm? It looked like the devil stroking someone and whispering 'mayonnaise' whilst slurping seaweed." Ned said, shuddering for effect. We all chuckled at his behaviour and Michelle spoke up.
"She's a bitch."
"Language!" Peter warned, making her shrug.
The bell rang and we all got up, waving at the people we didn't share classes with. I headed off with Michelle and Ned left with Peter.

After school
"Hey.. guys?" I asked and they all turned around.
"Yeah?" Ned and Peter asked in unison, Michelle just raised an eyebrow.
"I had plans with Sara, so my parents aren't expecting me home tonight..."
"Ned was going to hang out with me, so you can join?"
I sighed and nodded. "Thanks guys, you're life savers."
They chuckled at me and we walked towards his... apartment, I think? We reached n apartment complex and I confirmed the thought in my head. So I heard them right.
We walked in after Peter turned the key and they instantly started getting out some movies to choose from, blankets, pillows and, of course, snacks!
We placed the pillows and blankets to make a cool fort and we all picked Harry Potter, seeing as I had it in my bag for when I was going to visit Sara. Something they have in common, all three of them have never watched Harry Potter. At some points, I'd say some of the quotes as the character said them, making Ned laugh and Peter throw popcorn at me.

I'm gonna leave it here for now, sorry for making the drama end quickly and for the shit quality overall bloody hell.


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