Between two | Peter Parker

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I know this is a cliche and it's annoying to see it. BUT. I want to try out the idea, because why not? Sorry about the Quick Note. You might have been expecting a chapter- probably not, I'm bad at writing. Enjoy! Somehow.

I woke up that morning to the music of Teddy Picker, groaning in annoyance at my favourite song and turning my alarm off. I looked around the room, trying to wake myself up. I slapped my cheeks quickly and got up, noticing my room looked slightly different. I shrugged it off, going downstairs and giving my parents a wide smile as I put some toast in the toaster. "Morning!"
Dad chuckled. "Excited?"
"Yeah! I'm so glad they accepted me."
Mum nodded along to what we were saying and bit into a piece of buttered toast. "That Midtown is one of the best."
Mum almost choked on her toast. "What do you mean, 'what?', you know how hard it was better than anyone!" She said, laughing afterwards.
I nodded, almost jumping out of my skin when the toaster made a loud noise meaning the food was done. "Yeah.. just thinking about something else, sorry."
"It's fine, sweetheart." Dad answered for Mum, finishing his food and ruffling my hair and kissing mum on the cheek. "Gotta leave for work, you two. Love you!"
"Love you, too!" We chorused, continuing what we were doing after hearing the noise of the door shutting. Mum walked over to the part of the room that counted as the living room, sitting on the couch and crossing one leg over the other.
"So," she started, making me look over with an expression that meant 'yeah?', letting out a hum at the same time that held the same meaning, "ready for school?"
"You're going to ask me this a million times before I leave, aren't you?" I joked, only to have Mum shrug.
"I want the house to myself," she teased back, making me sigh.
"You act more like the teenager than me, can you go?"
She put her hand to her heart with a grin, "I'm flattered but I still hate school and I've lived long enough to have a child and a husband."
"Ugh, me in forty years- minus the kid and husband."
"Do I really look that old?" Came her question as she pretended to be offended. "I'm kidding, now go before you miss the bus!"
"Mum I can walk!" I said with a laugh. "And stop joking about Midtown!" I added, going to the door and hearing a confused question that raised the big red flag- the first one waving a while away but I was too asleep to notice it- that question that had a hundred meanings to me;
"What do you mean?"


I finally made it to the school, raising an eyebrow at the building. It had changed, but still looked familiar. 'Am I high?' I thought to myself as a joke, huffing before making my way inside and seeing people glancing at me with clear confusion on their faces. Once I got my timetable, I quickly went to the class so that I could avoid their staring and the awkward introduction.
"Welcome back everyone," he said to the people who decided to be early, "pick a random seat, but don't go to your friends!" Yeah right, good luck with that. He stopped me and handed the sheet to me "stay here a second- sorry," came the apology, making me shrug with a smile.


I heard the bell and Ned gave me a look saying 'come on, we want good seats!' Or something similar. Nodding at him, we both got up and headed over to our first lesson:
We both let out quiet groans and complains on the way, finally getting there and shutting up, only saying "good morning" to one of the few likeable teachers in the very commonly hated class. I paid a little bit more attention on the girl next to him that I didn't recognise. I sat down, Ned taking the seat in front as I leaned in closer to him and whispered "who's she?"
He shrugged in response. "Don't know, we never do, why are you even bothered?"
"You can't just enroll here.." I mumbled to myself, sighing and shaking my head at Ned.
"Seriously, dude, at are you bothered?" He asked, grinning and nudging him. "Do you think she's cute?" Came the teasing.
"What?!" I whispered, reminding me of when Ned asked me if I laid eggs. "No-o-o!" He fit in between laughs of embarrassment. "I can't even see her under the hood right now, she's too far back."
Ned nodded, clearly not buying it as he stopped leaning backwards and we watched everyone else walk in.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now