listener | Peter Parker

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I'll post more Tom Holland ones, I just really like this story idea and I really want to write it.. it's inspired by the idea that the reader never figures out that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Enjoy!

I walked into the school, my hands stuffed in my pockets and my nose going pink from the cold air. I had to go cross-eyed to see it because I saw a snowflake falling down onto my nose. I entered the school building, dodging the few people that were here early. "Hey Y/n!" My friend, Peter Parker, greeted.
"God, it's so cold!"
I shoved his shoulder and chuckled. "You're always wearing jumpers, though!"
"Then you must be positively freezing."
"Why couldn't today just be a snow day?"
Peter groaned. "I don't know but this sucks. At least you're at school today."
I chuckled and he raised an eyebrow, not saying anything for a few seconds and looking around at parts of my face.
"Do I have stuff on my face?"
"Well you see-" he pointed at my eyes, my mouth and my nose. "Those are there."
"I can't believe you took so much time just to make that joke."
"Well I need something to do in this freezing weather. I love the cold, but not when it's this bad.."
"I know."
"Yeah, you told me once that you love the cold because you were embarrassed about the beanie you were wearing." I said with a shrug.
"Oh. How did you remember?"
"Well I don't speak much about myself so I remember the things you say? I don't know.. I'm just a listener."
"Listening is cool, you get to take notice of the small things like a tree's leaves shuffling, you get to learn small parts of people's lives." He said with a shrug.
"Since when could you pick up on that stuff? I'd point noises out and you'd say you couldn't hear it!"
"My hearing got.. better?"
"As well as your eyesight, your athletic abilities and your confidence?" I mumbled to myself. I don't think he heard, but he probably did.
He shrugged. "Damn, it's so cold!" He whispered to himself and I got closer to him so that our sides were together.
"Heard body heat helps a lot. But you're the scientist.." I say and he just threw his arm around my shoulder.
"It.. it helps." He nodded, giving me an awkward smile as his cheeks went a darker shade of pink. The cold was probably worse here, though, so I don't blame him.
"GUYS!" Ned shouted down the hallway and we stopped as he jogged to catch up. "Hey!"
Peter chuckled. "Hey, dude." I nodded towards Ned as a greeting and we decided to sit in the cafeteria, seeing as it was so much warmer in there due to the ladies making lunch for later in the day.
I pushed my glasses further up my nose and got my book out. Peter still had his arm on my shoulder and he looked at the book.
"You can draw something if you want."  I mumbled and I handed him the pencil. He made a couple of stick figures and he turned it into a little scene of all the Avengers and Spider-Man beating up some enemies. I chuckled at it and he handed me the pencil back. I made a quick doodle of the spider on Spider-Man's suit, still bored so I drew the rest of the suit but instead of drawing the face, I drew it in black with my pen and leaving white space to make a question mark. I showed Peter and he gave me the thumbs up. Ned looked and then said "woah!" With so much enthusiasm it  reminded me of a child. I chuckled.
"That's awesome!"
"Thanks, I guess. It isn't that good though."
Peter butted in. "Actually, it's amazing. You got all of the lines on his suit the exact same!"
"I just have photographic memory.."

We walked out of the cafeteria as soon as it was time for the people to come. We rushed into our classroom and I waved at Michelle as she went past. She gave me a two fingered salute back and I sat down, watching as some people walked in. But as soon as the bell rang, people were pouring in like a tsunami. (Wink wink ;) get it?)

Time skip to lunch brought to you by Liz Allen's new belt.

"Is Liz Allen wearing a new shirt?"
I nodded. "Yeah, that one has red and green thin stripes."
Michelle raised an eyebrow at me from her book and I just chuckled at her. "Photographic memory. I don't wanna remember this stuff, I just do."
She nodded and gave me finger guns whilst I just sketched in a book. Ned and Peter were still staring.
"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy.."
Ned nodded.
"Ask her to homecoming, you idiot." I blurted out and Peter raised an eyebrow at me.
"And risk rejection from someone like her? No thank you." I sighed.
"She clearly likes you, her eyes dilate when she looks in your direction after catching you staring."
"Really?" Peter asked and I nodded, pushing him up and towards her.

Ned and Michelle both moved their stuff and leaned further across the table with their arms crossed to face me. "Her eyes dilate when she looks at him?"
"No, but she likes him a lot. I just had to give him some confidence." I said and the two sighed, pulling back and sitting normally.
"Liz practically threw herself at him when he asked her. They're hugging.. Oh shit he's heading back!" Ned whispered to us and I just chuckled. Peter sat down with the cutest lopsided grin on his face, his face, cheeks dusted pink. Am I staring? Ew, I'm staring. But I mean, he's in the corner of my eye and I'm still technically looking forwards, right? Besides he has Liz Allen. They're going to homecoming together.

And, as usual, I'm gonna be home alone. But this time, Peter won't be staying over for the night, rambling about how cool his internship is or how much he loves Star Wars, or going pink when I point out his very obvious celebrity crush on Jennifer Aniston when we watch friends.
(Sorry if I spelt her name wrong, I'm a big fan of hers but I probably got it wrong)
I sighed and turned to Michelle. "Can you stay over at mine for homecoming?"
"I would really prefer to, but I'm being forced to go and socialise."
"Sorry Y/n, the party hat will be on by then." He said and I nodded, sighing quietly.
"Why don't you go to homecoming?" Peter asked and I shook my head.
"Too many people grinding against each other in dresses or suits that they claim to be expensive, too much noise." I said and he nodded.

That is so not the reason. There are over a million reasons why I refuse to go, and none of them sound completely sane.

I wrapped my scarf around my neck and pulled my hat on,leaving the school building and heading home. Each breath I took showed as light fog and I found it aesthetically pleasing as I passed tree's with blankets of snow on, a cat's paws showing in the many inches of snow. I smiled to myself and hurried up so I could make it home before my hands went numb.

"I can't believe I forgot my gloves." I hissed. A white material reached down, a pair of gloves attached to it. "Did you really buy me gloves, Spider-Man?"
"Saving queens one numb hand at a time." They joked and I just smiled, continuing to walk home after pulling them on. I heard footsteps land on the floor and I turned around.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I apologised and hit my head with the Palm of my hand that was warmed up quickly, thank god.
"You must be freezing!"
He waved his hand dismissively and I could almost feel him smiling, even though he was wearing a mask. "The suit has a heater in it."
"Yeah, Mr. Stark did a great job with it, it really shows my muscles." He joked and raised an arm. I shoved him.
"Weirdo." He laughed and shrugged.
"Being breathtakingly handsome isn't weird." He joked.
"Yes it must be so hard to have all these beautiful damsels in distress throw themselves at you."
Spiderman put his arm around my waist and started swinging around. "You live quite far away, judging by how much you protected yourself from the heat." I just chuckled and nodded. "Hold on tight."
"Why? I won't fall. You have a web on me!" I said and pointed to the weird webby material.
"I heard from a friend that body heat helps."

Holy shit. It's Peter.

"Funny.. I told my friend the same thing."
"A common fact, isn't it?"
I shrugged. "I guess. Hey, that's where he lives!" I pointed out his apartment complex and he hurried a little bit. "Can you wait a sec? I wanna say hi to him."
"Is your house close?"
"Yes, almost there."
"Well you look tired.. won't Peter be tired as well?"
I raised an eyebrow. "I never said he was called Peter."
"He has an internship.. I know the kid."
"You can't say that, you're probably the same age as him!"
"He acts like a child, all excited."
"He acts a bit like you.. the only difference it you were flirting with me and you have more confidence than him."
He scratched his neck, stopping on a rooftop and letting me rip off the web. He also dropped to the ground. I gave him a quick hug and said "thank you."
He just answered with "anytime." And I pulled off his mask when I got out of the hug.

"I knew it!"

"I knew it!"

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