Marker|Peter Parker

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I saw this AU idea on pinterest from tumblr and I find it an amazing idea so here we go!
(More parts coming soon)
I sat in the classroom, not really paying attention to what the teacher was saying. It's the same thing every single day, always.
So I decided to entertain myself and I drew something on my hand.
I knew I wouldn't get a response but it was worth a small try. I drew a small flower, then a stem, then some thorns. I added more petals, then I finally paid attention when the teacher called out my name.
"Hm?" I hummed out and the teacher didn't say anything. There was a click from the computer's keyboard and they called out someone else's name.
"Peter Parker?"
"I- uh, yeah.. here."
The person slumped in their seat and I let out a quiet hum of amusement.
'That was cute..' I thought to myself and I rolled up my sleeve again to see a few lines. More appeared and they turned into letters.
"Hey there!"
I grinned to myself and got scribbling.
Sorry about my handwriting.
I don't know why I didn't think of talking to my soulmate earlier?
"I don't mind. What's your name?"
Ha, ha. Not saying. It's more fun this way!
"Fine. Well, I'm Spider-Man."
You make me laugh, damn now I get the whole soulmate thing.
"And I get it even less."
Well, spider-boy, nice to meet you.
Next to my writing I put a small Spider that was from his suit. I chuckled a little bit to myself and I jumped as soon as a paper was slammed on my desk.
Yay.. A test. Everyone just loves tests.
Thankfully, a pen pal of mine had some explanations for me.
"See? A simple mistake."
Thank the Lord you exist, Spider-boy.
"Man. Spider man!!"
Hot Damn maybe it is you who's Spider-Man!!
"Thank you!"
I said maybe, honey.
"Ugh. I hate the mistrust in this relationship."
We both stopped replying to each other unless it was something we knew about, like attendance or something.
Nothing really important.

I adjusted the straps of my bag and I quickly left the school behind, heading to the bus stop to get home. I closed the door quietly not to wake up mom, who was probably tired after a stressful day at work. I got a drink and went to my room of the apartment, getting out a pen that won't give me ink poisoning.

Hola honey
"Como estas?"
I think you spelled that wrong.
"Hey, I can just say it was you."
Whatever. I let out a quiet chuckle and got some stuff out of my bag that's needed, and leaving other crap in there. I finally saw a sentence and I got writing straight away.
"So.. What made you write something?"
I don't know. Needed something to do? Didn't think you'd actually write back, though.
"You are such a slow writer it makes me anxious about what you're going to say."
"One word answers now?"
"I swear to the Lord above if that's the case I'm never writing to you again."
Please don't Spidey
"Oh, gotta go."

Was it a coincidence that Peter Parker gave the teacher a slip and left, apologising to our professor and pulling his sleeve down that was rolled up a few seconds ago? I think not. And I think that he's assuming I don't share a class with him, let alone go to the same school.
"What's up? Be quick though."
Did you just leave class?
"No, why?"
I had a feeling you did, I dunno. Whatever Peter it doesn't matter.
"How do you know my name?"
I'm not stupid. I'm in the same class as you.
"Wait... are you Y/N perchance?"

I asked the teacher if I could go to the office because I was feeling sick. They late meshing straight away as soon as I pointed to my arm and held up my pen. Not many teens get to meet their soulmate, people usually find them when they become 20 or 21..
Yes, I am. You've tutored me once, right?
"Yeah why?"
Start heading to my house ASAP. We'll talk more then.
"Wait what?"
You saw what I wrote. If you're confused reread it, Spidey.

 If you're confused reread it, Spidey

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