In Character|Tom Holland [3]

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Who's ready to get depressed? HAHAHAHA not me. Like, at all. I don't even have a  tissue in the room I'm writing in.  Woo hoo... remember: Y/R/N = Your Role's Name

I walked on set with Zendaya and we got into position, the cameras all perfectly placed as they started rolling after the word "action!" Was announced. I pulled an exasperated face at her and sighed.
"How am I going to survive today?!"
She shrugged in response and got out a textbook from her locker. "Forget about what happened?"
"Oh, yeah, great idea, let me just erase the fact Peter and I kissed and it was my first kiss oh and let's just throw away how he immediately regretted it and rejected me!" I complained sarcastically before letting my face fall on her shoulder. "I'm a wreck." I complained, making 'Michelle' pat my back.
"That's not true.. You're just experiencing a lot of emotions at the same time."
"You probably think I'm an idiot for falling for him."
"You're not an idiot- listen to yourself, was falling for Peter a mistake?"
There were a few seconds of silence before you let out a groan. "Yes."
I moved my head from her shoulder, looking at her annoyed expression. "No. It wasn't. Look, he very clearly likes you. A lot. But he thinks he doesn't, because the closest he came to love was having a puppy crush on Liz Allen. He doesn't realise how strongly his emotions towards you are. Got it?"
"... No."
Michelle let out an annoyed groan and let her arms flop in the air before dropping at her sides.
"Listen to me- I get you're trying to help your friend, but let's face it. Peter-" I used my hand to metaphorically be him. "Me-" I used my other hand to 'be' me. "Together?" I clapped once and then spread them as far apart as I could. "Not right."
Michelle sighed, putting my hands by my sides with a look of something akin to pity on her face. "Y/R/N... give it time. Until he realises he messed up, go through your day and then I'll walk home with you so you can complain about how attractive you think he is, or whatever."
I rolled my eyes, laughing at what she said. "You are the sort of person that people aspire to be." I complimented as she walked one way with me going another. "See you later!"
"You got it!"

The scene ended and I walked off set, knowing that Zendaya had a bit more to do. I sighed, getting my drink and sitting down. "Hey, mind if I sit?" A familiar voice asked and I looked up at him, nodding. "He's avoiding you like the plague, you know that right?" I sighed, nodding in response. "Are you going to talk to me?" He asked, making me shrug. "Fine. Just know that... whatever you said? It has him really fucked up." He said, starting to get up to leave.
"Harrison, wait." I pleaded, making him sit back down. "I... tell him..." I sighed, thinking through the millions of things I wanted to say. After a few seconds, I decided to pick something that would then let me say more than one thing. "Tell him to find me when we get a break." I said, making him grin and hug me.
"Got it!" He said excitedly.
"You really care about him, don't you?"
"He's pretty much my brother- of course I care." He replied, jogging off- probably to Tom. Zendaya then got to me with a confused expression on her face. "What was that about?"
I just shrugged, a ghost of a smile on my face. "Looks like me and Tom are gonna talk."
Z nodded, getting a quick drink as a small idea ignited in her head. "You have some scenes soon, right?"
"Uh, soon, yeah-"
"Right, uh, I have to do something real quick.. be right back! Sorry!"
I sighed, putting a hand to my head.

"All of this business and drama is giving me a headache."

I finally finished the scenes I had for the day and so had Tom, however we had a whole lot more tomorrow than what we did last time. I sighed, getting a drink and putting the bottle down as I screwed the lid on and watched as Tom started walking over to me, his curls bouncing slightly as he did so. As soon as he was in front of me, I noticed how dark the circles under his eyes were and how much he blamed himself.
"Look," he began, swallowing thickly and looking around, trying desperately not to look into my eyes as if any of this was his fault. God, I wanted to just hug him, kiss him, just assure him that none of this was caused by him. This caused so much drama, I just wanted to see a smile on his face again, "whatever Haz said-"
"Oh, Thomas.." I said, finally pulling him into a hug that he didn't return for a few seconds. I can't remember the last time I had called him Thomas, and it felt alien. Like his hugs that I had long since forgotten and missed. What else could possibly be alien to me? I pulled out of the hug to see tears rolling down his face slowly, his cheeks wet. "Don't cry..." I mumbled, pulling my sleeves over my hands and wiping the tears from his face, the clothing falling from my hands as I left one hand on a cheek, slowly wiping away one last tear as he leaned into the gesture.
"I'm sorry.." He mumbled.
"Tommy, none of this is your fault.." I assured him, giving him a weak smile in the hopes he would too.
He didn't.
"I'm- I'm sorry I put you through all of this- I'm an idiot. I-I wish I didn't do that.. I'm so sorry.." He kept apologising, his voice breaking and going slightly higher as more tears started to cascade down his face. I blinked a couple of times, trying to see before my breath hitched and tears were rolling down my face.
"I can't believe I let this happen to you.." I mumbled to myself, pulling him into another hug as we just stood there for a few seconds.
After what felt like forever, we pulled away, our faces red from all the crying and sobbing with a weak smile on my face. Tom finally managed a smile and it felt like it lit up my whole world, all the dark areas- the problems- brightened and I couldn't help but feel my smile widen and become more genuine. "I'm sorry that happened to you because of me.." I mumbled, making Tom shake his head with a small huff and a smile, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"I'm sorry I never told you I liked you."
"Wait- wha- how- when did that-" I spluttered out, making him chuckle as I flopped my arms in the air. "How?"
"I guess I never did make that clear, did I?" He said, shuffling from foot to foot. "I started to like you the first time Jacob saw the photo and joked about how we looked like a couple, I guess."
"You're so confident about this! How? I'm jealous." I said, laughing lightly.
"Well... I don't know, but I- uh... do you want to, maybe, go on a... date. With me. If you want to, obviously. Why would I force you into a date?" He managed to get out, muttering "that was lame" afterwards.

"I would love to go on a date with you, Peter."

Sorry I'm hyper it's really hot in Britain and we're having a BBQ!

Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now