Passing Grade|Peter Parker

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Yes, this idea is probably really popular but it's a thing, okay? If you're ever struggling with school or anything, you can DM me any time on my instagram account or this account, I'm just here to help! (You can also get a tutor to help you out, if needed. I don't know if your school does that sort of stuff but yeah.)

I tapped my foot on the ground, tension hanging in the air as everyone got their tests back. After a while, you were finally handed yours and you decided to see which ones you got wrong before seeing the overall grade. So many simple answers to simple questions you spent so long thinking about and freaking out over. So many of them.
'Am I really that stupid?' You thought, finally getting to the last page and looking at the overall on the front. 60%. The numbers in red, bold writing made me want to scream. Only sixty per cent because I can't answer the simplest fucking questions. I folded it up, stuffing it in my bag and turning to Ned.
"Hey!" I greeted, giving him a fake smile. "What did you get on the test?"
"I got 95%!" He whispered excitedly, kissing the paper as a joke. "Thank you, Peter Parker!"
You chuckled at him and turned away, sighing quickly before turning to Michelle.
"What was your score?"
She shrugged. "Something like 79%? I'm gonna let my parents see first."
"Oh, right." I said, looking at the front and listening as people chattered excitedly, freaking out about how well they did and congratulating their friends. Everyone eventually left the classroom, but as I was about to leave the teacher called me over, making me groan inwardly and walk over to him.
"I noticed that you got 60% on your test, and you haven't been the most focused person ever in class.."
"Sir, I'm really sorry-"
"Don't be ashamed, you're growing up. However, I do recommend you getting a tutor."
"I'll start focusing on your class and doing better, I promise." The last thing I needed was a tutor to prove to me how I shouldn't have even made it into Midtown.
"Lucky enough I know just the person.. they're quite shy, though, and I know you can help him feel welcome- you have also been chosen as his tutor in English, seeing as he has been unfocused."
"I'm going to be a tutor?" Another thing I really didn't need was having someone that I had to teach when I seriously lack in social skills.
"Yes, for Peter Parker."
No way.
The smartest kid in this whole school and I have to tutor him? Not to mention, I've had a crush on him for forever! Oh God, this is going to be so embarrassing. What do I do? Ask him if I should go to his house? Ask if he wants to study in the library? I mean, he always goes there with Ned so that might be the wiser choice but what the hell do I do?!
"Right." I agreed, gulping. "Okay."
"I could go fetch him for you, if you would like?"
I could only nod and stay in the same place, blinking at the pale cream walls and hearing the click of the door closing and crouching to the floor, one leg more extended as I let my hands go close to my head and pulled a frustrated expression, spinning and standing upright. "Oh, no. No no no no no no no." I denied as I dumped my bag on the floor, face-palming. "Jeez, I'm a nervous wreck right now.." I mumbled to myself, pacing around the classroom and thinking over what to say.
'Hello!' No, umm, 'hi. Peter, right?' No way. 'Hey! You're Ned's friend, Peter, aren't you?' Hell no, he'll think I'm friends with Ned and ask about me then think I'm some creepy stalker. The door clicked open and the teacher walked over to me, Peter in tow.
"I'd recommend making this quite quick." The teacher said.
I extended my hand out for him to shake and he accepted it, his hand warm against my freezing one as he looked me in the eye for a second, his gaze darting away before he offered me a small smile. "Hi, I'm- I'm Parker. Peter Parker, I mean." He corrected himself and his cheeks went pink, making me just want to scream with frustration. Guys like him weren't supposed to be so fucking cute?!
"I'm (Y/N)." I greeted. Damn, I didn't stutter once! Fist bump to me. "I- uh- do you want to study in the library at some point- or, I could- I could come over to your house? You'd have to give me the address though.."
Fist bump retracted. I want to die in the hole I just dug for myself and let the ground swallow me like a snack.
"Uh- yeah, sure. Let me just..." He looked around for a pen and took one from sir's bunch before writing his address down and putting the pen back. The handwriting was scruffy, but neat at the same time and I nodded, putting it in my pocket.
"Should I come over tomorrow, seeing as it'll be Saturday? Or...?" I asked, making him nod and stuff his hands in his large hoodie's pockets.
"Yeah, Saturday- Saturday's good. See you then."
"Right. See you tomorrow at ten?"
"Sure. I'll see you then... Right. Okay. Uh, cool." He said, looking around the room nervously as the pink darkened a few shades.
I turned on my heel and went to the door, almost hitting my face with it before quickly leaving the school.

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