Bedsheets and web-slingers|Peter Parker

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I decided to make a fluffy one because I posted two heartbreaking ones and also because I'm delaying the inevitable end to those ones ;) a phrase which here means "yep, I'll be posting a part two and a part three for those imagines....


I let my eyes slowly open as I let out a quiet groan, hearing stuff downstairs and deciding to check it out. I pulled my bedsheet off and hugged it I've  my body, leaving my head and face exposed and my hair flowing out, somehow not getting tucked into the covers. I made my way downstairs slowly and quietly, missing out the creaky stairs before seeing a white liquid thwip to somewhere else as it pulled and I heard the click of a door before it slung back. I took a peek around the corner of the walls we had around the stairs to see none other than Spider-Man looking for a first aid kit. Shit, okay then? I slowly walked over to the kitchen counter, watching as he tried to quickly and quietly find the first aid kit- judging by the fact he wasn't using his left hand because of a deep cut and because of the cut through his suit in his side that made him hiss in pain.
"You know, people write stories like this."
He quickly turned around, wincing at the gash in his side subtly. "What?"
"The friendly neighbourhood spider-Man gets injured and comes to a random girl's house to get help, eventually they kiss or she finds out his identity and grows a massive crush on him for then to date and later have cute spider-boy or spider-girl babies. The end." I announced, chuckling at his reaction that looked as if he was very confused or cringing really hard. "My friend once let it slip that she writes fan fiction about spider-Man and tries to find his identity." I explained, but he still kept the same position. Looks like he's cringing, then. I made my way over to a cabinet, climbing up on the counter to sit on and hand him the first aid kit.
"Thanks." He said, tending to his own wounds he could reach, with me helping out quite a bit.
"And there you go, you're all fixed up."
"Oh." He said, a little disappointed. I held his chin, making him look up to me as I was still sat on the counter.
"Gonna miss me?" I teased, letting go of his chin and bursting into a fit of giggles.
"No, I'm just tired after that fight."
"You can bunk with me, if you want. I won't check your identity while you're in bed, I'm not a stalker." I said with a quiet laugh.
"Thank you."
"No problem, it's the least I could do for a superhero."
He muttered something about not being a hero behind the mask and I raised an eyebrow. Don't go making me curious about who you are, Spider-Man.
I picked up the bundle of my covers and started walking upstairs, Spidey's footsteps behind me. I opened the door, letting Spidey walk in and get on the bottom bunk before I closed the door, spreading the covers over his body before I went up the ladder onto the top bunk, not climbing into bed, but just laying there and thinking about nothing in particular.

(F/N) would freak if she knew I offered Spider-Man to bunk with me and he said YES.
What if Peter ever found out? I wonder what he would say..
Am I seriously thinking about him at a time like this?
I shouldn't be thinking about him at amy time, anyways. I only know him as the dorky Science genius in our class with the curly brown hair that would make you go crazy every time he put his hand through his hair, wondering what it would feel like if you put your hands through his hair, with his brown eyes that would stare into your soul and make your heart fricken melt every time he asked for a pen or for help on a certain question. Fuck I'm rambling. In my head. About a boy.

"Spidey?" I heard a low hum in response, so I continued. "This is a cliché question but what are you thinking about?"
Peter's Point Of View through to you by Thoreal™ hair products.

"This is a cliché question but what are you thinking about?"
You. And I can't stop thinking about you. Ever since we walked into Midtown and had our first practical science  lesson where you had to tie your hair back, the goggles perfectly balancing on your nose as you answered question after question, your eyes lighting up as a huge grin came onto your face as you saw the results you got. When the teacher announced that you and I were the first people to finish it and you couldn't help but look around the room, avoiding everyone's gaze as a blush crept onto your cheeks.
"You." I said, making it sound like a joke when I was completely serious.
"Ha ha, very funny." She sarcastically remarked.
"You know, though," I started, making her hum in response like I did when she called out one of my superhero nicknames. "I still need to patch up my knees."
"Shit, really?"
"Yeah, from when I fell for you." I said, bursting into a fit of quiet laughing.
"Ha ha ha, hilarious. But you sound familiar... do you go to my school? I could've sworn we have chemistry together." I said, laughing along with him.
"Okay, but do you like Nintendo?"
"I guess, why?"
"Because wii would look together."
We went back and forth, saying pick up line after pick up line and trying not to howl with laughter, instead just keeping it to a whisper.
"We should go to sleep, Spidey." She whispered as I pulled my mask off.
"Okay. Night."
"Yeah... night."


"I can't sleep-"
"Yeah me neither."
We both admitted, chuckling.
"I want to ask you something but it sounds creepy."
"What is it?"
"Can I sleep on the bottom bunk with you?"
"But I'm not wearing my mask..."
"I won't look at your face, I promise."
We both don't know why she asked that, but to be honest I was kinda glad she did. We both found it easier to fall asleep after that, me only waking up slightly when I felt her cuddle up to me.
Ned is gonna die when he hears about this.. should I tell him? Maybe?
A small grin made its way onto my face and I let myself fall asleep again.


I forced myself to wake up and I manoeuvred my way out of (Y/N)'s embrace, getting to the window and slowly opening it, crawling out and pulling my mask over my face, closing the window. I grinned to myself as an idea made its way into my head. My hands brought themselves up and started webbing as I moved them around. Hopefully she sees it before it dissolves. I started webbing buildings, making my way around and getting to my apartment.

Your point of view brought to you by this off-topic photo that is blessing us.

I got up, Spider-Man not there. "Did I dream it?" I whispered to myself, going over to the window and  opening it slightly, something catching my eye.
'Thought you might want to know who I am.. P-"
It started dissolving and I groaned, getting into bed and going through all the people I know who have P as the beginning of their name. Of course, Peter's name kept swirling around my head, making me sigh and push thoughts into the back of my head and forcing myself to sleep.

At school

I quickly made my way inside with a stupid grin on my face, opening my locker and sorted out my stuff before spotting (B/F/N) and walking over. "Hey!"
"Oh, hey!" She greeted me, noticing my expression. "What's got you so jolly?" She asked me, making e roll my eyes and tell her what happened.
"And that's what has me so excited- or whatever I feel right now."
"Oh my gosh.. that happened? You're not shitting me?"
I shook my head, getting out my phone and showing her a photo of the webbing.
"I took a photo as it started to dissolve."
"Imagine if it was Peter? You'd probably end up with hearts for eyes."
"I mean you said he had curly brown hair and the first letter of his first or last name begins with P. Who fits that description?"
"Shit, you're right! Oh my God." I started to ramble on and she shut me up quickly.
"Go talk to him!"
"I don't know where he is?"
"He'll be at his locker?"
"Right, obviously. Thank you!"
"I'm so coming with you."

Time to go tell Peter Parker that I like him and simultaneously think he's Spider-Man... and that I told my best friend.

What could possibly go wrong?

Very short, very bad but hey it's something lmao. Enjoy! Mend your hearts while you can! *planning how depressing it's gonna get*

 Enjoy! Mend your hearts while you can! *planning how depressing it's gonna get*

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Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now