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4:11 pm; Los Angeles, California

The fans screamed in the crowd, pushing each other over to try to get closer to the cute boy rapping shirtless on the stage. The music was blasting loudly, nothing being heard but the bass and the rapper.

"She said gimme head, bitch after you." Taymor McIntyre grinned as he heard all of his fans scream out the lyrics along with him.

"Fuck that goin first, I go after you." It was his last concert of his world tour and he was upset. He would miss this, but he couldn't wait to meet up with his friends back home.
This was his dream, what he loved doing. There was just a small piece missing. Even in this dream of success and fame, he missed his now ex girlfriend, Mallorie Maui. Tay's manager had demanded a number change, along with a fake girlfriend for more publicity. In Mallorie's point of view, she wasn't fazed. She knew he would find another girl and forget about her, so she did the same.

"Thank yall for comin out tonight and supporting me always. I preciate it." He waved at the crowd before walking off the stage, Ezra throwing him a water bottle. He caught it and dapped him up, thanking him for an amazing four years. He went back to his dressing room, where his fake girlfriend Cassidy was waiting for him.

"Cass, this ain't real. Ion know why you be following me around like a dog for." He packed up his stuff, ready to go back to the hotel.

"But baby." She whined and trailed her fingers down his chest. He wasn't gonna lie, she was pretty and all, and he hadn't gotten play since he had left Mallorie. She had nice tan skin, long black hair, and a nice body. She reminded him of Camila almost.

"Whatchu want Cass?" He mumbled as she zipped down the zipper of his jeans.

"I want you Tay."

"Gon give you this pipe. Maybe you'll learn how to act." He pushed her back onto the long couch next to the wall, spreading her legs open. Everything on this girl was fucking amazing, but nothing compared to Mallorie. He pulled his pants off, watching her lick her lips. 

"Keep them legs open for daddy." 

6:40 pm; Los Angeles, California

"No Leinna, I have to get food." Mallorie Maui turned the steering wheel to steer the car into In N Out's parking lot.

"We're gonna be so late Mal." Leinna pinched the bridge of her nose with her two fingers and sighed.

"No we wont, just bare with me." The two hopped out of the car, rushing inside and placing their order.

"We have twenty minutes to get on campus." The two had their first dance performance at the first football game of the season tonight and they were bound to be late.

"Yo Ezra can we get food? I'm hungrier than a bitch." Tay groaned and the black van pulled into the parking lot of In N out. He hopped out, Cassidy attached to his hip like a siamese twin.

"Piped you down and now you aint know how to act." He mumbled and stepped inside of the restaurant, spotting two fairly thick girls in tight navy blue halter tops and matching spandex shorts. The shorts had the college name on the back in bold white letters, UCLA being spelled out on their butts. One of them had curly black hair and the other was a curly blonde. The curly blonde haired one reminded him of Mallorie, a small smile appearing on his face as he thought about her.

"515, order for Leinna!" The curly black haired girl walked up and grabbed her bag, laughing at something the blonde haired girl said. Tay immediately froze as he heard the black haired girl laugh. He knew that laugh from somewhere. Everything was all adding up. The UCLA dance uniforms, the curly hair, the voices. God, he knew that girl was the Leinna he knew. Mallorie's best friend, meaning that the blonde haired girl was Mallorie. His thoughts were confirmed when the blonde girl turned around. Both of their hearts immediately froze in place. Leinna's mouth dropped open and Mallorie couldn't even move. Fate had brought her to her forever again, but that didn't mean that it was a sign of something good.

"Shorty." He breathed, his hunger for food dissipating and his hunger for her increasing.

"Tay." A million thoughts were running in her mind, making her mind cloudy. What if running into him was a bad idea? She couldn't take the pain if he left again.

"Leinna we have to go." She began to walk out of the restaurant, her white heeled boots clicking against the tiles.

"No. Not until you give me that new number yo ass decided to change." He grabbed her arm gently and bored his brown eyes into her green ones. She stuck out her phone, allowing him to get the number.

"I gotta go Tay. I'm sorry." She rushed out of the building and getting into her car. She fanned her eyes so no tears that were threatening to fall would mess up her makeup.

"Oh my god Mal. Are you good?" Leinna reached over and gave her a big hug. Mallorie nodded her head.

"Yeah, it was just too much for me to handle. Let's fuck this football game up."

From the inside of the restaurant, Tay felt like he couldn't even move. The cashier called out his order, Cassidy retrieving it for him.

"You okay?" He nodded and thanked her before taking the bag and going back to the car.

"E, we gotta make a pit stop at UCLA real quick."

Once again, fate had brought the two back together again, much to their unexpectation. As Tay made his way to the UCLA campus, he couldn't help but think what if it didn't turn out to be something good. As Mallorie danced on UCLA's sidelines, she pondered the same question.

"I see you Mal." Number 57 from UCLA's football team called out to her, giving her a wink. She winked back at him and got back to pleasing the crowd with her dance moves. As Tay walked through the stadium, many fans of his were screaming for him. He smiled and tried to ignore the loudness. The screams drew the attention of Mallorie, who looked over to see her ex boyfriend staring at her hungrily.

"He's looking at you." The girl dancing in front of Mallorie turned back and whispered.

"I know. He used to be mine."

Who really thought fate wouldn't bring these two back together? But this time, it was gonna be a lot harder to be with each other.

All because of too many complications.

Coming soon: Beginning of February.

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