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2:43 pm| Tay's apartment

"Nahmir, I'm telling you bro. Ain't no way in hell that baby mine." Tay laid back on the couch, shaking his head at Nahmir.

"Only baby that could be mine would be inside that one." He motioned his head over to Mallorie, who was straightening her hair in front of the mirror. A small smile crossed his face as he watched her, his heart warming.

"Why are you staring at me?" She giggled slightly and put the flat iron down on the counter, walking over and sitting down in the seat next to him.

"Cause you for real the most beautiful female I ever seen." He wrapped one of his arms around her before leaning in to kiss her. She pulled away shortly after, placing her small hands on his chest.

"Do you really mean that?" She searched his eyes for truthfulness.

"Of course I do. Ain't got no reason to lie to you." He kissed the back of her palm gently before wrapping his arms around her.

"Y'all gon make me sick with all this love shit." Nahmir started to fake throw up and Tay slapped the back of his head.

"You the one to talk. I take you Leinna Rainara to be my lawfully wedded wife headass." Mallorie giggled and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"But we not playin with each other. Y'all dumbasses needa get it together, cause I'm tryna see my grandchildren while I'm still poppin." Nahmir smirked and stood up, twisting his dreads.

"Imma catch y'all later. Wifey got some shit for me to do." He did a handshake with Tay and nodded at Mallorie before leaving the apartment.

"Tay?" Mallorie looked up at him and he couldn't help but fall speechless as he looked down at her face.

"Wassup princess?" He ran his tongue over his lips slowly, the action quickly catching her attention.

"What do you think we will be in a couple of years. Like do you think we will be married or in a relationship?"

"Of course I do. Been told you from the jump that you was gon be my wife and you was finna have my kids. You down with that?" He rested his hand on the back of her knee, slowly dragging her leg to rest on him.

"I'm down." She grinned and hugged him tightly. Tay was going to be hers forever.

10:12 pm| The forum

Loud screams and the bass of the music blasted through Mallorie's ears as she waited backstage for Tay. He was onstage, doing what he loved most. The beat of his new song "Hard" started to play and the crowd was going wild.

"You was on some opp shit, I was cruisin down that nigga block with the chopstick, rockstar nigga! Now I need a rock bitch, we want beef, not veggies not squash bitch!" She watched as he rocked the stage, the sweat dripping down his shirtless abdomen. The veins on his arms protruding out immensely, his back muscles tensing every now and then. Santana smirked at her.

"Your boyfriend getting you riled up huh?"

"Shut up Santana. He's not my boyfriend." She giggled.

"Not yet." He smirked as he saw Tay glance in Mallorie's direction.

"Y'all wanna say hi to Mal?" Tay spoke into the mic, chuckling as his fans went wild. He motioned for Mallorie to come onto the stage. She walked onto the stage shyly, giggling as Tay pulled her in for a tight hug in front of all his fans.

"If y'all ain't know Mal, this my baby right here." He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. The fans in the crowd went nuts and she began to feel shy again. She tried getting out of his grip but he was way too strong. He finally let her go and tapped her butt lightly as she walked back offstage.

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