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11:48 pm| Greensboro hills hospital

The group ran up to the automatic doors of the hospital, almost running straight into them due to their excitement. They ran to the elevator and Tay didn't even wait to take it. He ran up the stairs to the floor and was the first one to pop his head into the room. Her skin wasn't as lively as it used to be, her eyes were dull, and even after almost three years in a coma, she still looked tired. He slowly walked up to the bedside and peered down at her, the tears not even hesitating to fall down his face. He fell to his knees in front of her and began to sob, kissing the back of her palm over and over.

"Babygirl!" Leinna screamed and ran in the room, flinging her arms around Mallorie as the rest of the group walked in and stood over her.

"Hi Leinna. Who are your friends?" She had a confused look on her face.

"Stop playin Mal." Tay chuckled and held her hand. She pulled it back slowly.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend. Leinna, I want Kayden. Where is he?" She looked around the room frantically and Tay nearly lost it as he realized what was going on. Mallorie didn't remember any of the people who she had met in the last five years. She had only remembered Leinna because she had known Leinna since birth, but the rest of them were completely forgotten.

"Babe, lemme fill you in. Kayden got killed because he was no good for you and he tried to hurt you many years ago. Tay here, was your boyfriend, but then you went into this coma for almost three years. This is Nahmir and Santana, your favorites. This is Glizzy and your half sister Mariana. Camila is your good friend who's practically your twin, and this is Arden, Tay's current girlfriend." She pointed everyone out, and for some reason, everything clicked as soon as Leinna pointed out Arden. She remembered every single thing, but she wasn't gonna let anyone know that.

"Nice to meet you guys." She smiled weakly and hugged Leinna.

"Can I go home now?" Leinna nodded and went to go get the doctor, the rest of the group following her except for Tay and Arden.

"Glad you're awake Mal." Arden gave her a small smile before walking out. Arden honestly wasn't glad at all. Mallorie waking up meant that Tay was gonna fall back in love with her all over again, leaving Arden completely heartbroken.
Back in the room, Tay and Mallorie were just staring at each other. She wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around the fine hard-headed boy who had her heart, but that wasn't an option. She couldn't ruin it for Arden. She had to give it to the girl for stepping in. Tay had probably been in a horrible slump while she was in a coma, and she was thankful that Arden was there to keep him sane and out of trouble while she was helpless.

"I'm Taymor. But you like to call me Tay, and I like to call you shorty." He chuckled slightly.

"I been in love witchu for a long ass time. Ever since we were sixteen. You were my girl for a long ass time. You changed the fuck outta me and kept me outta trouble. Shit, i was so fuckin attached to you that whenever you would leave my house to sleep at your own, I would drive over there to sleep witchu. You don't even know half the shit I did for you princess. And when you went into this coma, swear to god I almost lost myself. I stopped making music, I stopped hanging out with everyone, and I didn't do anything else but sit here next to you and hope that you would wake up. For a whole seven months, I came here everyday and sat here all day, hoping you would even just give my hand the tiniest squeeze. I cried so much during those months, it was more than I'd ever cried in my whole life. It sucks so bad that you don't remember me." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and a pained look crossed his face.

"I'm sorry." She said softly, her voice hoarse due to sleeping for almost three years.

"No. I'm sorry." Tay whispered and kissed her forehead. Arden peeked her head in from the doorway and looked down at the floor, a sad expression taking over her face before she walked back out. Tay came out moments after she did, a grin on his face.

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