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4:41 pm| Nahmir & Leinna's new house

"I love it!" Mallorie squealed as she walked inside, Tay following behind right behind her.

"I love you." He mumbled so quiet that it was almost inaudible, but Mallorie still heard him clearly.

"What?" She turned back and gave him a soft smile, hoping he would say it again.

"Nothing." He walked past her and sat on the couch next to Arden, wrapping his arm around her. Mallorie sighed and sat on one of the barstools, running her hand through her hair. She had been dropping hints to Tay all week that she was interested in him, but he was so retarded and oblivious. She rested her cheek in the palm of her hand and started to think about Tay being hers again.

"Mal? Are you even listening to me?" Leinna snapped her fingers in front of Mallorie's face, making her flinch and snap back to reality.

"Yeah, I was." She gave Leinna a small smile.

"Liar. What did I just say?" Mallorie laughed.

"Okay okay, I lied."

"Who were you daydreaming about?" Leinna smirked.

"No one, ugh Leinna shut up." Mallorie whined and quickly looked behind her at Tay to make sure he wasn't hearing their conversation. Leinna's eyes averted to where Mallorie's eyes went and a devilish grin came across Leinna's face.

"Were you daydreaming about Taymorrr?" Leinna smirked and rested a hand on her hip.

"I was not. Who even is he?" Mallorie gave her a stern look and rolled her eyes.

"Listen Mal, you and I both know that you remember him vividly and you want him back but you don't wanna tell him how you feel because you'll feel bad for Arden when he leaves her for you." Leinna crossed her arms and smirked as she knew she had Mallorie beat.

"How'd you know?" Mallorie laughed.

"You're my best friend. I know everything about you." Mallorie looked at Tay and Arden, shaking her head slowly.

"I want him so bad, I just don't want it to look like i waltzed in and stole her man."

"Correction, your man." Santana singsonged as he walked into the room. Mallorie rolled her eyes.

"OH TAYMORRRR." He singsonged again and motioned Tay over.

"Santana." She whined and placed her head in her hands.

"What nigga?" Tay chuckled as Santana wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shorty wants to talk to you." He emphasized the pet name, making Tay give him a stern look.

"Whatchu wanna talk about?" He turned to Mallorie and his face softened as he realized how nervous she was.

"It's actually nothing, Santana is just being annoying."

"Come on Mal, I know it ain't nothing." He reached for her hand and she let him play with her fingers for a little before pulling her hand away.

"I have to go with Mia to go get her little sisters from the airport anyway, so it can wait." She dashed out the door before he had the chance to grab her. Tay shook his head and sighed. Why couldn't she see he wanted her badly? 

"She doesn't wanna talk." Arden came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Arden, why cant you ever try to be positive mane. You always up in a nigga space, just jigg damn." He mumbled and she pulled away from him, pushing him slightly.

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