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"I should beat the hell out of that unicorn looking ass bitch. Make her ass neigh. Who the fuck she think she is tryna get at my nigga?" Mallorie scowled at her phone, on the verge of popping all the way off.

"Babe, chill." Tay chuckled and held her hand.

"You the one having my baby remember?" He kissed her forehead and ran his hand through her hair.

"Go live with me." Tay licked his lips and opened his instagram app, pressing the live button.

"Wassup y'all?" He smiled as he watched his viewers freak out in the comments.

"Mal and I got sum to tell y'all." He wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her closer. He looked closer at the phone and requested Nahmir to go live with him. The views went up even higher as Nahmir's face popped up on the bottom half of the screen and he began to freestyle.

"I'll box that bitch up like ketchup on fries, imma slick nigga who like tellin hella lies, imma eat that kitty till she fuckin cries, Tay why you look like the black bill nyeeeee?"

"Nigga don't try me. Anyways, Mal pregnant with my kid. How y'all feel?" He chuckled as all of his fans dropped hearts. He squinted his eyes at a specific comment.

cassidycaden: I'm also pregnant with his baby boy❤️

"Oof. Nigga I know you saw that." Nahmir made a petty face and sighed. Tay quickly pressed the end button for the live and rested his head on Mallorie's shoulder.

"Why is she tryna get at me with this baby shit." He mumbled, starting to get angry.

"Cause she has nothing better to do. But Tay, it could be your baby potentially. You never know." Mallorie cooed, running her hands through his hair in an attempt to get him to calm down.

"Fuck that. Ion gotta see my kid to know if it's my kid. I felt yo stomach and that shit felt right. That shit felt like it was genuine. With Cassidy, that shit felt fake. I ain't feel the same way I feel when I'm rubbing yo stomach. I know this bitch playin me Mal." He sucked his teeth and ended the live, laying on his back and breathing out heavily. Mal reached for his phone on the stand, picking it up and setting it down next to him. His phone buzzed multiple times, earning a slight frown from Mallorie as she caught sight of who was blowing her boyfriend's phone up.

*3 New Multimedia Messages*

"Can you answer that for me shorty?" Tay mumbled, feeling tempted to grab the glock and bust a cap in anyone right then and there.

"No. Because if I open these damn pictures that Hailey just sent to your damn phone and I don't like what I fucking see, imma kill her. Point, blank, period." Tay stared at his girlfriend in awe.

"Look at you all hard and shit. And then when you under me takin this dick," he paused for a moment to lick his lips, "Issa whole different story." She took a moment to fully process what he had said, a small whimper falling from her lips at the thought. She was not about to get riled up and take the slang from him when this unicorn bitch was sitting here texting his phone. Not on her watch.

"Taymor, stop it and open the damn pictures." He sighed and shrugged, unlocking his phone and pressing the message app, going into the chat between himself and Hailey. As he opened the message, three nude pictures of Hailey popped up on the screen. Tay couldn't stop himself from groaning, it was something all guys did. But he knew that this was wrong.

"Fuck no. She blocked, all g." He blocked the contact, putting his hands up in surrender as Mallorie shot him a glare.

"Baby don't be like that." He leaned towards her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I barely even know this girl, stop trippin. You got my soul."

Eleven weeks later

"Taymor McIntyre, it has been determined by this paternity test, that you are not the father of Sevyn Caden."

Tay breathed heavily, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He looked over at Cassidy holding her son, walking over to her slowly.

"Can I hold him?" He glanced up at her, holding his arms out. She handed him the baby, his heart immediately softening.

"Even though I'm not ya dad, I know you gon be straight buddy." He kissed the baby's forehead before handing him back to Cassidy. She glared at the wall before sighing.

"If he not straight, let me know." He mumbled and walked out of the doctors office, not even realizing the evil smirk coming across Cassidy's face. He walked out to the parking lot, immediately dialing Mallorie.

"Babe, the baby ain't mine." A grin crossed his face, but his expression immediately turned to panic as he heard Mallorie's nervous voice quiver through the phone.

"Baby, my water broke." She whimpered, fear clamping around her heart like a vice. She didn't even have to say anything else, Tay was already in his car and was on the way to get her.

"I'm coming princess, hold up." He was speeding 85 in a 50, not even giving a fuck at this point. His child was on the way and he couldn't afford to slack up.

36 hours later

Mallorie had finally given birth to a baby boy and a baby girl. Mallorie named the baby girl Taylor McIntyre and Tay named the baby boy Mason McIntyre. Everything had been perfect in the days after Mallorie had brought the babies home. The four of them were one big happy family, until one Saturday morning. The police barged into the house along with the swat members, immediately taking Taymor and Mallorie hostage as they recited their rights.

"Taymor McIntyre, you're under arrest for the murder of Kayden Costain. Mallorie Maui, you're under arrest for the harboring of a criminal and being an accomplice to the murder. Everything you say can be used against you in the court of law." Two of the policemen took the babies as the other policemen escorted the couple out of the house and into two separate cop cars.

Taymor ended up getting thirty years and Mallorie got fifteen, each of them knowing no matter what, they belonged to each other. And that mindset would never change, no matter what situation they were in.



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