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Mallorie's dorm| 12:54 am

Tay fidgeted with the neckline of his t shirt as he stood outside of Mallorie's dorm, his heart racing. He was so angry with her deceiving bitch of a cousin to the point where he just felt like he could shoot her. He knocked on the door softly and Autumn opened it since she was the only person up.

"Hey Daddy." She had a smirk plastered across her face and she leaned forward to place a kiss on his jaw.

"Let's just get it over with. I got rules though. You gon keep yo ass quiet the whole time and you not gon show that video. Got it?" She nodded and let him inside of the room. He pulled his shirt over his head and took his gun out of the waistband of his pants, setting it on her nightstand. Autumn didn't even hesitate to strip herself of her clothes and laid on the bed, watching him intently with a smirk on her face.

"I'm ready daddy."

Tay's house|4:19 am

The hot water stung Tay's skin as he scrubbed himself thoroughly. He was so disgusted with himself and he didn't even know how to tell Mallorie about the terrible thing he was blackmailed into doing. He came out and wrapped a towel around his waist, walking into his room and shaking his head when he found Mallorie sitting on his bed.

"You didn't stay with me and I couldn't sleep." She pouted and wrapped her small body up in his sheets.

"I'm sorry shorty, but I gotta tell you sum shit." He leaned over her small body and she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Can it wait baby?" She bit her lip and reached down to fiddle with his towel.

"It can't shorty. And I especially wanna tell you before I please you." She sat up, realizing there was something heavy on his mind.

"What's up?" Her eyebrows furrowed at the sight of his face all stressed out.

"Yo deceiving ass cousin got multiple videos of us on the scene of Kayden's murder. She threatened that I️f I️ didn't fuck her at one this morning, that she would turn the video in to 12 as evidence. I'm so sorry shorty but I really couldn't keep it from you." He sat down on the bed next to her and put his head in his hands. Mallorie couldn't even move. She felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. Not by Tay, but by her own blood family. That hurt the worst. He stared at her and wanted to kill Autumn for the heartbreak that she was causing to her cousin.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've done something. You really let her force you into that baby?" She teared up and moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around his body.

"Cause I ain't soft Mal. I can handle shit on my own."  He stood up to make her release her grip from his body.

"Swear to god that bitch is dead to me. Fuck the whole forgive your blood thing Tay. I'm gonna drag her ass." She was so mad and Tay felt a small smirk creeping up on his face.

"You bout fine as fuck when you mad." He chuckled and she mugged him.

"Shut up and fuck me senseless." 

"Shittt, aint gotta tell me twice. I'm finna wife you on god."

2:39 pm| In N out burger

Mallorie walked into the fast food restaurant, the smell of burgers and fries hitting her in the face. She immediately caught sight of her friends and her cousin, her eyes slitting at the thought of her. She walked up to the counter as Tay walked over towards the table. He sat down In front of Autumn and smirked as he knew exactly what Mallorie was up to.

"You want some more daddy?" Autumn bit her lip and ran her fingertips over the back of his palm.

"Hell naw. But you bout to get sum." He chuckled as he saw Mallorie coming back with a large drink in her hand.

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