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Mallorie trembled behind her desk in her Neurology class at the UCLA campus. She had just been scrolling through instagram and Derek had posted about his apparent stepbrother who was killed in a home invasion. Derek's stepbrother was someone who knew Mallorie. He knew her so well and wanted her so bad, he had kidnapped her and held her hostage until Tay had shown up to retrieve her and killed him. The hashtag, #justiceforkayden, was now being supported on Instagram by all the UCLA students. Kayden Costain's murder could not only ruin her life, but it would ruin someone else's life. Someone else who she really cared about named Taymor. She did not notice she was jiggling her leg and was acting nervous until she saw Derek's gaze upon her.

"You good baby?" She nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Just really gotta pee, that's all." He chuckled quietly and placed his hand on her thigh.

"You're fucking adorable." He gave her one of his heartbreaking smiles. The smile that showcased his dimples and his pearly whites. The smile that had her wrapped around his finger. She went back to writing the notes on the board until class was over.

"What we doing today shorty?" Derek wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked out of the building.

"We have a game today baby." She laughed as a look of realization crossed his face. 

"You so damn beautiful you got me trippin out. Forgot my damn game was today." He chuckled and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Imma come through after I clean up though. And we can do whatever you want lil baby." She nodded and pecked his lips.

"I'm gonna run some errands, and after the game you can spend the night. Okay?" She smiled and cupped his face in her hands.

"Ight babygirl." His dimples were showcased as he shot her a smile before walking to his car. She mentally jumped around in her head. She hadn't been this happy since she had dated Tay. She was finally glad something good was going on in her life. Besides the whole Kayden being Derek's stepbrother situation. She began walking to her car when all of a sudden her phone started to ring. She picked it up without looking at the caller id, realizing she had made a huge mistake by not doing so.

"Mal, can you come through?" Tay's voice sounded raspy through her speaker. He sounded like he had been crying while high at the same time.

"Tay, are you high?" Her eyebrows furrowed in concern as she heard him cough.

"I'm good shorty, just please come over." His voice broke and he hung up the phone. He sounded wrecked and Mallorie was worried. Whenever Tay was like this, he always found a way to do stupid stuff. She got into her car quickly and made her way to his house.

Twenty minutes later, Mallorie's car pulled onto the long paved driveway that led the way to her ex boyfriend's home. She stepped out of the car and observed his large stone house before walking up to his front door and taking a deep breath. For a moment, she deliberated on going back to her car and leaving. She turned her back to the door and began to walk down the steps when the door swung open and a deep voice made her stop dead in her tracks.

"Where you going?" His tone sounded so weak and broken that Mallorie seriously thought she had the wrong house. This didn't sound like Tay at all. She turned around to face him and she froze completely, refusing to leave him. His eyes were bloodshot red, just as hers had been two nights before.

"Nowhere." She stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"I'm sorry luh baby." He sniffled and walked back inside of his house, Mallorie following right behind him. As she walked inside, the smell of weed almost knocked her over.

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