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"Go back to the stadium, i'll be there in a minute." He whispered to Cassidy, not taking his eyes off of the curly blonde light skin leaned up against the wall.

"Someone looks mad." Tay smirked and leaned against the wall behind her.

"Shut up." She glared at him and began to walk away from him. He caught her arm just in time.

"You know better than to walk way from me." She rolled her eyes and tried to pull her arm away from him. At this point, many people were back inside of the stadium and the area was deserted.

"Tay." She mumbled and froze as she felt his breath fan the back of her neck.

"Im not finna sit here lookin stupid while you in denial. Got mad love for you, but I cant wait for you either. Let's just be friends." He extended his hand and she stared at him blankly before shaking his hand. He gave her a small smile before walking back into the stadium and sitting next to Cassidy. As he was out of sight, Mallorie clasped her hand over her mouth and let the tears that had been threatening to fall all day finally cascade down her cheeks.

10:41 pm; Mallorie's dorm

"He told me we should just be friends." Mallorie sobbed into her pillow that night, allowing Leinna to comfort her.

"I would be a bitch to say I told you so Mal. But i told you so." Mallorie shot her a glare.

"It hurts." Her eyes were now bloodshot red and her cheeks were stained with her tears.

"Do you want me to call Tay?" Leinna offered, pulling her phone out.

"No. I don't want him to see me like this." Leinna sighed and stepped out of the room, dialing Nahmir's number.

"Hey baby, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah babygirl, wassup?"

"Bring Tay over here immediately. Mal is bawling her eyes out and she won't stop. He's the only one that can fix it." Leinna's heart broke as she heard her best friend's cries through the door.

"Ill be there in a min baby."

11:13 pm

"Knock, knock, knock, anybody there?" Mallorie lifted her head up from her pillow and laughed weakly as she heard Nahmir at the front door.

"Leinna, your man is here!"

"I know boo, thanks!" Leinna opened the door for Nahmir and Tay followed right behind him.

"Where she at?" Tay looked around the dorm frequently. Leinna motioned her head to Mallorie's room. He walked to the door and knocked before peeking his head in. Her body was turned away from the door, her gorgeous face hidden in the pillow.

"Thanks for checking up on me Leinna but I just wanna be alone right now." She whimpered and started to cry again, making his heart shatter. She felt the bed dip and a large hand being placed on the outside of her thigh.

"What's wrong witchu?" His tone was soft and her heart broke into more pieces if that was even possible. She kept her body turned to him, not daring to look at his face for fear she might break down once more.

"Nothing." Her voice broke halfway through her sentence.

"Clearly somethings wrong if you crying out all the water in yo body. Tell me wassup shorty." He peered over her body to try and see her face. When she covered it with her hands, he gripped onto her hips and flipped her onto her back, prying her hands from her face.

"I can't be around you Tay. It hurts. I regret what I said and I want you back so bad." She couldn't even look him in the eye.

"Ion know what to tell you Mal. I can't do it again." He honestly wanted nothing more than to be with her, but it could never work. He couldn't break up with Cassidy for the sake of his career and he could never tell that to Mal becuase she was stubborn and would never get with him ever again.

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