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A/N: Two updates in two days cause I love yall ♡♡

10:37 pm| Tay's house
"Good dick make you listen huh?" Tay watched his girlfriend under him, chuckling as she put her hand on his abdomen and tried pushing him away.

"Move yo hand." He chuckled and pinned her arms above her head, ramming into her even harder. She clamped her thighs together, clapping them against the sides of his body.

"You ever finna put yo hands on Daddy like that again?" She whimpered and shook her head, her eyes screwing shut.

"Nah that ain't right baby. Look at me when I'm fuckin talkin to you." She opened her eyes and they immediately rolled to the back of her head as her boyfriend hit the exact spot that shook her whole body time after time.

"Mmm, fuck." She hooked her arms around his neck and trembled against him as she felt him in her stomach. She bit onto her lip harshly and he gave her ass a hard smack.

"Tay, you're in my stomach." She moaned out and tried moving up the bed, making him chuckle. He hooked his arms around her thighs and yanked her back down.

"Right where I'm supposed to be shorty. You gon stop running from this dick." She dug her nails into his hips, trying to get him to slow down.

"Oh my god, Tay." She whimpered and her whole body started to jerk as the euphoria began to swallow her body.

"Cum for me and lemme see how good I did you babygirl." He bit his lip as he watched her let go. The way she looked was enough to set off his own release and he mumbled curse words as his hips jerked against hers. She hummed as he pulled out, watching him leave open-mouthed kisses down her stomach. She knew what he was about to do and she was way too sensitive to endure the pleasuring torture.

"No Tay, p-please." She literally begged him not to do it, but he did it anyways. He placed his mouth on her, sucking on her clit like a pacifier. She whined and squirmed in his arms.

"Behave." He mugged her and aggressively pushed her hips down, getting back to work.

"I'm sensitive. T-tay." She whimpered and gripped onto his hair tightly.

"Ion give a fuck." He mumbled against her, sliding in one of his fingers. She clamped her thighs around his hand, knowing that it was bound to be a long night.


7:15 am| Tay's house

"Holy shit!" Nahmir whisper-yelled to Santana and Glizzy as they snuck into Tay's room, looking at all the pillows and sheets flung across the room. Tay and Mallorie were laid together in the bed, the sheet draped over their naked bodies. Santana picked up Mallorie's skimpy underwear off of the floor and widened his eyes as he realized it was torn.

"He violated." Glizzy whispered and clasped a hand over his mouth to prevent any noise from escaping.

"Yall loud as hell mane. I see yall dumbasses. And If yall dare to wake up my babygirl I swear to god we gon bump." Tay mumbled and squinted his eyes at the three boys crouching down next to the bed.

"On 3 my niggas. 1...2...3!" The three boys jumped into the bed with Tay and Mallorie.

"If yall niggas don't get yall gay asses away from me and my muhfuckin girl, I swear to god." Tay mumbled and reached for his glock on the nightstand, the three immediately jumping off of the bed and running out of the room. Tay groaned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, smiling as he saw Mallorie fast asleep. He decided not to wake her just yet, so he got up and went into the bathroom, brushing his teeth and taking a shower. He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist, finding the sheet next to Mallorie, leaving her naked body exposed.

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