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8:39 pm; Bimini Twist Restaurant

The group had gone to a Bahamian restaurant to celebrate the arrival of the new people. Season, Mia, Sydney, Autumn, and Arden. Tay was getting exceptionally close with Autumn while Santana and Mia were hitting it off. Mallorie gave a sharp glare to Tay as he kissed the back Autumn's palm. He smirked at her and did it again. He was getting her so angry. Derek placed his hand on her thigh.

"You straight?" She nodded and looked back over at Tay.

"So Autumn, you tryna come to my crib tomorrow?" Tay wrapped his arm around Autumn and smirked at Mallorie.

"Sure." A Cheshire grin spread across her face and Mallorie almost gagged.

"Ill be back." She rolled her eyes and got up to go to the single bathroom. She walked in and ran her hands through her hair, sighing loudly. A couple moments later, Tay popped in and locked the door behind him. The look she gave him said it all.

"You jealous princess?" He chuckled and pushed her small body up against the wall.

"No. I just needed to get away." He knew she was completely bluffing. He hovered over her, his face inches away from hers.

"So you wouldn't care if I took Autumn home wimme? You wouldnt care if it was her and not you?" He looked straight at her and licked his lips.

"Stop." She placed her hands on his chest and shoved him. He slammed her against the wall and gripped onto her throat. She wrapped her small hands around his wrist and bit her lip.

"Don't be getting all bold and shit. I still fucking own you and you know that shit better than anyone else. Now get yo luh fine ass back out there." He released her throat and pushed her towards the door. She turned the knob and came face to face with Santana. A huge smirk took over his face.

"So he dogging ya pussy in restaurants now?" He folded his arms and his smirk didnt falter.

"Santana stop! It's not what it looks like." Mallorie covered her face to hide her blush.

"It's exactly what it looks like goon. I was just putting shorty in her place." Tay came from behind her and gripped onto her hips tightly.

"You comin home wimme tonight. I'm finna violate." He whispered in her ear and lightly bit her earlobe before releasing her and walking back to the table.

"Bitch I'm tired of yall. Just get together. Yall be fucking on the low anyways." Santana shrugged his shoulders.

"He's tryna fuck around with my cousin Tana." She shook her head.

"He's only tryna fuck around with her because he wants you Mal. Damn both of yall so fuckin stupid." He shook his head and walked into the bathroom. Mallorie walked back to the table only to be greeted with smirks from all of her friends.

"Don't act like we ain't see you and Tay walk out the bathroom at the same damn time." Mia smirked. Autumn didn't even look up from the table.

"We didn't do anything because he wasn't even in there with me." She lied and sat down, meeting his intense gaze across from her. Derek glared at Tay and turned to Mallorie, who didn't even avert her attention away from Tay.

"Im gonna leave to go take care of sum stuff. I'll see you later." Derek kissed her cheek and left. 

"He finna violate ya cousin Mal." Nahmir whispered to Mallorie and her eyes averted to Tay who was talking to Autumn.

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