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A/N: Two parts in one day cause I love yall ♡

Seven Months later

Gruesome days turned into weeks. Many torture-filled weeks of Mallorie asleep on a hospital bed. She had been in a coma for the past seven months, and she was all Tay cared about. He wanted to be there in case she woke up. He visited her everyday, to the point where the nurses would just see him and nod at him to signal that he could go see her. Currently, he was slumped in a hospital chair next to Mallorie's bedside, soft snores falling from his lips.

"Tay, this is so unhealthy for you. You come here everyday, you mope around, and you even put your whole career on hold. You need to move on buddy. She will wake up, and I promise you that as soon as she does, I will let you know. But you can't sit here everyday and mope around. You have a life Tay. She would want you to live it to the fullest." Leinna stood over him and rubbed his back. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and glanced at her lifeless body next to him.

"You right Leinna." He grabbed Mallorie's hand and placed a small kiss on the back of her palm.

"I love you shorty." He stood up and placed a kiss on her forehead before giving Leinna a small hug and walking out of the hospital. The fresh California breeze hit his face, and he sighed deeply, reaching into his pocket and taking out his keys and his phone. He dialed Ezra, grinning slightly as he answered the phone joyfully.

"Yo Ezra. I got some new shit that I been workin on, and I'm tryna record it. You down to meet me at the stu?"

"That's wassuh Tay."

Two years later

"Do you Leinna Rainara, take Nick Santana to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The preacher took a look at Leinna as Leinna grinned.

"I do."

"Do you Nick Santana, take Leinna Rainara to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I most certainly do." Nahmir didn't take his eyes off of Leinna and didn't even try to hide the cheeky grin on his face.

"You may now kiss the bride." Everyone cheered as the couple kissed deeply.

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! SAVE IT FOR THE HONEYMOON!" Santana yelled and clapped for them as they walked down the aisle together.

"Santana you a whole ass fool mane." Tay chuckled and played with the soft female hand in his lap. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the back of her palm softly before wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"I never woulda thought this was gon happen." Santana chuckled, his attention on Tay and his new girlfriend. Arden smiled and laid her head on Tay's chest, intertwining their fingers.

"Me neither. But ever since that day Leinna told me I should move on, I took her advice and Arden just fell straight into my arms. Literally."


Tay had just stepped out of the studio, a big grin on his face. He had just completed his new single named "Trapanese" and he couldn't wait to release it. Earlier on in the day, Arden had called him, asking if he wanted to hang out. Due to him working in the studio, he had declined. But since he was in such a good mood, he decided to take her up on her offer. He dialed her phone number and smiled as she picked up.

"Hey babygirl, wassuh?" He knew she was blushing from the pet name he had called her.

"Um, nothing much." He chuckled at her shyness.

"Imma come by yo crib to come get you in 20. Be ready."

When he arrived at her house, she was so excited to see him. She ran up to him, but tripped over the sprinkler head in the grass, falling straight into his arms. And it all blossomed from there.

Flashback over

"That's wassuh." Santana laughed.

"I'm gonna go get some champagne. You want some baby?" Arden stood up and Tay's eyes averted to her tan legs. He shook his head no and watched her walk off towards the bar. Leinna came over and sat between the two boys, laughing as Santana walked off to try to flirt with Sydney. Leinna turned to Tay.

"You seen Mallorie yet?" Tay's heart clenched and his chest pained up at the mention of her name. He knew it was all his fault why she was laying in that hospital bed all helpless.

"Naw. I haven't." He looked down at his shoes, shutting his eyes slowly.

"It hurts so much. We've always talked about the day when we would have our own weddings and be each other's Maids of Honor. She's the one thing missing from this day." Leinna fanned her eyes to prevent any tears from escaping. Tay wrapped his arms around her.

"It's alright Leinna. Don't let that awful memory ruin your day." He rubbed her back and tried to calm himself down as well before he broke down into tears. He hadn't seen her in a whole year, due to him getting a new house with Arden in Calabasas and him being fearful that he might have an emotional breakdown if he saw her laying lifeless on that bed. Arden came back over and hugged Leinna before sitting down on Tay's lap.

"Congratulations Leinna." She smiled and Leinna nodded at her dryly.

"Thanks Arden. I'm gonna go back to Nahmir before Santana steals him away from me." She chuckled and walked back over to Nahmir, slapping his butt.

"I know you miss her." Arden whispered to Tay, caressing his face with her perfectly manicured fingers.

"I do miss her. A whole lot."

"Will you leave me for her if she ever wakes up?" Arden looked down and played with the hem of her dress.

"Naw babygirl. But ion wanna think about allat right now. Let's just jigg." Arden nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Let's dance then." She grinned and pulled him up out of his chair, laughing as he groaned.

"You know dancing ain't my style luh girl." He chuckled as she started to dance obnoxiously.

"Please babyyyyy." She stuck out her bottom lip and Tay leaned forward and tugged on it softly with his teeth.

"Alright. Just for yo annoying ahh."

By the end of the night, everyone was sweaty and tired from all of the dancing and wedding games they had participated in.

"I would like to make a toast to my undercover gay friend Nahmir. He's one gay ass nigga. But he's my gay ass nigga. And Leinna's ole fine ahh has been there for me since my ugly jit days. Been knew they was gonna get married. So now, i predict that yall gon have a handsome ass son named Santana. And he gon make yall happy just like how yall make me happy." Santana's drunken words blared through the speakers in the venue. Leinna and Nahmir clutched their stomachs, laughing uncontrollably. Their laughter was interrupted by a phone going off.

"Hello?" Leinna answered it and her mouth fell open.

"Yes I'll be there soon.....oh my god." Leinna squealed and hit Nahmir in his chest.

"Gimme your keys. Now." Leinna snatched the keys from his hand and stood up quickly, almost falling onto her husband.

"What's goin on Leinna?" Tay scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.

"The hospital just called. Mal is awake."

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