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6:12 pm| Bahamian Twist Restaurant

"You still pissed at me?" Tay reached for Mallorie's hand across the table, sighing as she pulled her hand away.

"I'm sorry shorty. But you gotta admit that I did ask you how you felt about it and you said you was straight." She fought hard to keep her eyes from rolling.

"You should know how I feel about shit like that Tay. Just because I say I'm fine doesn't mean that I'm serious when I say it. You know that I try to keep in my emotions and I shouldn't have to tell you that you getting all buddy buddy with Arden fucking bothers me. You should know that." She folded her arms and leaned her back against the cushioned seat. He sucked his teeth and rested his chin on one of his hands. He decided to leave it alone and let her cool down.

"So what can I get for you guys?" The waiter came by and shot a smile at Mallorie, his deep dimples sinking into his cheeks.

"Away from my girl before I bust a cap in yo cheeks and make yo dumbass dimples even deeper." Tay mean mugged him and the guy put his hands up in surrender.

"Chill. I wasn't tryna flirt, I ain't disrespectful bro." Mallorie mugged Tay and gave the guy a small smile.

"Can I have a sprite please? And he will have a water." He nodded and quickly walked away from the table.

"Who told yo lil ass that I wanted water?" He folded his arms across his chest.

"You don't even deserve a water with the way you just treated him. He was just being nice."

"He was being friendly as fuck." He mumbled and glared at the table.

"Just like how you were being friendly as fuck to Arden yesterday." She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I didn't agree to come here with you just so we could argue. You said you tryna fix things, so fix it." He sighed as he realized she was completely right.

"I'm sorry. You know I would never hurt you intentionally. I swear to god shorty, I won't ever talk to her again if it bothers you." He reached for her hand again, a small smile coming across his face as she allowed him to intertwine their fingers.

"You can still talk to her, I'm not petty like that. I just don't want you being so friendly. I know you have good intentions but that doesn't mean that she does. You being like that will give her the wrong idea, whether she knows you're mine or not." He nodded and brought her hand up to his lips, softly kissing the back of her palm.

"I love you."

7:49 pm| Kennedy's dorm

"I'm so glad you could make it guys!" Kennedy gave Mallorie and Tay a huge smile as she let them inside. The whole group was there, including Arden. Arden's face lit up as she saw Tay walk through the door, and she waved at him shyly. He returned the smile and gave her a small head nod before grabbing Mallorie's hand to show Arden that he was taken. Kennedy walked back over to Arden, studying her expressions.

"I didn't know he was officially with her." Arden mumbled and played with her top.

"Bullshit Arden. I told you before we went over there yesterday that they were together. He always talks about her and she always talks about him. There's no way you didn't know that. Now stop being upset. Derek is trying to talk to you." She motioned her head over to Derek, who gave Arden one of his heartbreaking smiles. She simply shook her head and walked over to the couch where Mallorie and Tay were sitting, ready to cause havoc.

"Hey Tay, do you think you could help me with something really quick?" She flashed him a smile and twirled her hair around her finger. Tay quickly looked over to Mallorie to get her opinion and she nodded discretely, kissing his cheek.

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