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4:12 pm; Tay's house

"Why the fuck are you here?" He scrunched his face up in annoyance and tried closing the door, but she blocked it with her foot.

"I'm here because we need to talk. And I'm not fucking leaving without this conversation happening." A smirk plastered itself across her face and she let herself inside.

"Walkin up in this bitch like you fuckin Cookie. You don't pay no damn bills in this house." He mugged her as she set her purse down on the barstool.

"I dont. But i have your career in my hands, so you better listen good." She smirked at him and the smirk was replaced by a glare as she saw Mallorie.

"Oh hi Mallorie. Long time no see. You still trying to destroy people's relationships?" A fake smile appeared on her face. Mallorie was quick to shoot one back.

"I didn't destroy your relationship. In fact, it wasn't even a real relationship. He wanted me while he was with you. He used you to distract himself from thinking about me. Don't act like you had him around your finger." Mallorie laughed and walked over to Tay, giving him a long kiss on the lips. Cassidy glared at them but soon smirked afterwards.

"Don't think I don't have tabs on you Tay. I know you killed Kayden to save her." She sneered. He chuckled at her words.

"And what proof you got bitch?" His laughter died down and his face turned to a scary mug as she pulled up the same video Autumn had once had in her phone.

"Give me that shit before I blow yo brains out." 

"It wouldn't matter if I gave it to you or not. It's not my only copy."

6:19 pm| Santana's backyard

The group was currently at Santana's house for a small party in celebration of Tay's album going platinum. He looked so fine from across the room that Mallorie couldn't wait to get her hands on him. Santana tapped Tay's shoulder and pointed to her and Tay's attention averted to where she was. He smirked slightly and winked at her, running his tongue over his lips. She quickly looked away, trying to regain ahold of herself.

"Looks like someone is gonna get some dickkkk." Leinna singsonged.

"Leinna shut up!" A blush arose onto her cheeks.

"You only telling her to shut up cause you know she speaking straight facts babygirl." Tay walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing himself against her.

"Dat wayyy." Leinna stuck out her tongue and walked off back to Nahmir.

"Tay." Mallorie whined and turned around to tug on the hem of his shirt.

"Wassuh baby?" He looked down at her and smirked. She started pressing herself against him and running her hands down his back.

"Damn bae chill out. Imma get you right as soon as we get back to my crib, I promise." She moaned in his ear and fiddled with his belt, nearly driving him crazy.

"I'm boutta fuck yo lil ass up if you don't stop fuckin playin." He growled while gripping onto her throat and looking straight at her.

"Ugh." She whined and hummed against him as he pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her.

"Calm down princess, I promise i got you later." This was his favorite place to be everyday. His arms wrapped around her and securing her, making sure she was safe, all while being completely turned on at the same time.

"So sorry to interrupt guys. But Santana sent me over here to tell you guys that the food is ready." Arden stood shyly in front of the couple. Tay fought back an eye roll and kept his arms around his girlfriend.

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