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third person:

sy: i know you don't like me but i know you're a fool for cuddling, come over, please?

jk: can i bring the love of my life?

sy: wait what?

jk: my fluffy feather cushion, idiot. i'm on my way

seoyeonsmiled at the texts as she led in her bed waiting for the brunette boy to get to her apartment. she couldn't help but get butterflies everytime she thought of them cuddling together.

jeongguk knocked on the door, and seoyeonyelled from her bedroom.

"come in!"

she heard the door handle jiggle, then the sound of her front door open and close. she waited patiently on her bed, as jeongguk made his way to her room.

"budge up, i wanna nap."

"actually, you can't sleep. i kinda wanna talk for a bit."

"you said you wanted a cuddle session, not a therapy session."

"jeongguk, please. i need to talk to someone about this, it's been eating me up inside and-"

"just shut the fuck up and come here."

jeongguk opened his arms and seoyeonscooted closer to him. seoyeonled on top of jeongguk's chest, her arm on his stomach. there was a comfortable silence before seoyeonspoke up.

"yoongi kissed me."

jeongguk sat up a  little bit.


"he kissed me. before work, after i yelled at you."

"oh." jeongguk didn't understand why, but he felt hurt. "well, good for you."

"no not good. i like you, and i'm pretty sure he likes jimin. he can't like me, nor can he just randomly kiss me."

"maybe you two should just date, none of you are getting anywhere with your crushes."

seoyeonlatched herself onto jack once again, making sure he couldn't see her tear stained face.

"seoyeon, are you crying?"

"what? no."

"yes you are."

"no, i'm not, my eyes are just watering because." seoyeonpaused. "because my goldfish died. and he was such a good pet and-"

"you don't have a pet goldfish. now could you please shut up for once."

jeongguk pulled seoyeon's face up to his own and kissed her.

seoyeonsmiled into the kiss.

"looks like i am getting somewhere with my crush."

cafe ; j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now