thirty four

330 15 0

jeon jeongguk:

"we're performing on national television." i said, wiping the sweat off of my forehead.

"you're gonna do amazing, all of you are. they love you."

"what was it like the first time you spoke about your book to the publishing agency?"

"terrifying. my hands were sweaty, and i kept stuttering."

"fuck." i groaned.

the show host was on stage, and we were up next. we all headed to the side of the stage, waiting for our cue.

the beat to our first song started playing, leaving the boys and i to panic, yet smile excitedly.

"go. go. go. i love you, you're gonna do great. i'll be watching from here. good luck!" seoyeonsmiled, and i nodded, and walked out on stage into my rehearsed position.

the boys and i did so great, and it was so much fun.

the looks on everybody's faces looked like they were watching the beatles perform or something.

"bts! bts! bts!" they all screamed and cheered after we sang our song.

"oh my gosh." the boys and i exchanged looks of pure joy, relief and slight sadness as our part was over.

i looked off stage at seoyeonto see her smiling.

"i love you." she mouthed to me.

"i love you too."

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