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jeon jeongguk:

"i don't wanna talk about my feelings."

"jeongguk, it's been a while since the incident, you need to."

"i didn't sign up to see a therapist."

"no, but your doctor has made it mandatory."

"ugh, fine."

"so, it's been a few weeks since i last saw you. what's new?"

"my girlfriend and i broke up."

"is that depressing you? we don't want this to turn into another case with-"

"it's not like jimin."

"are you and jimin still working at the same cafe?"

"listen lady, jimin and i were nothing, he ruined his own friendship with me, and i feel nothing towards him, except a strong dislike."

"why a strong dislike?"

"you're my fucking therapist! you know why!"

"okay. any new interests in a girl, or boy, we don't judge here?"

"i'm not gay."

"you didn't answer my question."

i hesitated. "no."

"are you sure?"

"why do you care? you're not a love doctor."

"i'm your therapist, i need to know these things."

"i don't like her, but she's different. like, she's caught my attention. and i can't help but feel jealous everytime i see her with the other guys, especially yoongi."

"why yoongi in particular?"

"the other day she told me yoongi kissed her. i was so fucking pissed about it but i have no idea why."

"how do you know her?"

"she kept coming to the cafe, then later i found out she lives in the same apartment complex as me."

"are the two of you becoming a thing?"

"well, we hang out a lot."

"what do you guys normally do?"

"watch movies and shit."

"that seems lovely. are you having any difficulties figuring out your feelings towards her?"

"no. yes. i mean, kinda."

"what's she like?"

"she's shorter than me, she has long, brown, soft hair. a gorgeous smile. she's so extra and problematic, but she's in touch with her feelings, and she's got a similar story like me."

"well she moved away from her home to get away from people who made fun of her. i moved away from home to get away from my parents."

"why was she getting made fun of?"

"she slit her wrists and attempted suicide."


sy: heyy.

jk: yes? what do you want?

sy: a relationship. :)

jk: sorry, i think you've got the wrong person.

sy: guk, please?

jk: stop

sy: pretty please? with a cherry on top?

jk: just shh and come cuddle

sy: i knew you would eventually love me

jk: i don't love bitches

sy: so you don't love female dogs? that's upsetting

jk: of course i do, just not ones that constantly yap in my ear.

sy: but i'm a special bitch, you'll love me sooner or later

sy: open the door

jk: just walk in, the door's unlocked

"first of all, fuck you." seoyeonsaid as she opened the door and slipped her body in between my arms.

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