twenty three

398 16 0

jeon jeongguk:

once we reached the fair grounds and bought tickets, we walked over to my least favourite ride.

"can we ride this one, it looks good." she looked so cute, i couldn't resist.

but honestly, i was terrified. but, i gave in.

"alright, alright." as we waited our turn, i grew more and more terrified.

"ooh lets go." seoyeon grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the ride after handing the operator our tickets.

after being fastened into the ride, my hands were a bit shaky.

the ride started and we were rocking back and forth, then we began spinning.

i closed my eyes and gripped the seat tighter.

"gukkie, are you okay?"

"ah fuck!" i yelped then grabbed her hand, and hid my face with my other.

"oh my gosh." she began to laugh. "are you scared?"

"i don't like the noises it makes. it seems a bit dodgy."

she laughed in my face.

"oh jeongguk, i'm so sorry. that's not funny."

once the ride got extremely high into the air, the wind was giving us whiplash, music started playing loudly over the speakers.

after a couple of hours of riding rides, we both felt a little hungry.

"do you wanna go back to my place and order a take out, delivery?"

"yeah sure." i replied, she then grabbed my hand, and started pulling on me.

"i had a lot of fun."

"yeah, me too, babe."

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