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kim seokjin:

"hey ma." i smiled as my mom welcomed me with a hug at the front door. "i brought you some flowers."

"awh, jin baby, you shouldn't have." my mother ran to put the flowers in a vase. i sat down, across from my mothers seat. just as i did so, my dad walked in.

"i'm sorry i'm late. i was busy at work. ah- seokjin, how is my son?" my dad spoke.

"hey dad, i'm good."

we all started eating dinner that my mom made, we caught up with eachother as it's been at least a month since we last saw eachother.

my phone went off.

joon: i miss you, i hope you're having fun baby. i love you.

"who is it?"


my dad froze still in his seat at the mention of my fiance's name. my mom looking at me with sympathy.

"we're getting married."

"what?!" my mom and dad both spoke in unison.

"no, i don't approve, namjoon does not have my blessing." my dad spoke.

"yeah, mine neither!" my mom looked at me angrily.

"what?! mom? i thought you liked namjoon."

"i do, but you are far to young to be getting married! kit's seriously frowned upon in this country, we only want you boys safe." she spoke.

"you're not marrying him."

"i'm an adult! you can't tell me what i can and can't do!"

"we are your parents!"

"i don't care, i'm marrying him!"

"fine, ruin your life. don't expect us to show up at the wedding!" my dad yelled.

i sat there in shock. why was my dad so against this idea? my shock turned to anger and i immediately stood from my seat, leaving my parent's house, and heading back to my own.

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