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min seoyeon:

"jeongguk?" i said, knocking on his door.

"what?" i heard him groan out.

"let me in."

"there's a spare key under the mat." i stepped off of the door mat and pulled it up, to find a spare key.

i unlocked the door and walking in to find jeongguk laying on the couch, in just sweatpants.

i didn't know how to react. his  body is gorgeous. he's got nice biceps, toned stomach and a beautiful smile.

"jeongguk." i said as i sat by him on the couch. "what's wrong?"


"you haven't been texting me often, and you even turned down my offer on cuddling. you haven't gone to the cafe in like five days. namjoon said you're sick, but i don't believe him. you would have told me if you were. so what's going on?"

"i tried to see my parents. but my mom told me to leave."


"it's a really long story."

"i have time."

"i don't know."

"jeongguk, you can trust me." i smiled at him, reassuringly, as i led between his arms.

he began telling me about how he used to get peer pressured into drinking alcohol at high school parties, and how it became a habit. and his dad was being a dick to him and they got into a fight. he was drunk, and hospitalized his dad. at the time he was dating luna, and when they all moved here with the boys, luna's been too chaotic for him, and he lost his friendship after jimin confessed to him, and he became suicidal.

jeongguk tried to kill himself.


"what?" he didn't look at me. he kept looking at his hands.

"i didn't know." i sighed. "do you wanna know the truth?"


"i started to like you because you had scars on your wrists. i saw them at the cafe. i didn't think someone as beautiful, and cheery, and as popular as you, would have problems like that. but i never knew you would actually try to-"

"kill myself. yeah, i tried."

i hesitated to say anything. i just kept looking at him, then at my hands.

i wiped the tears off my face, then began to speak, "do you just wanna cuddle?"

"yeah." he sat up slightly. "i like that idea."

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