twenty five

357 18 4

third person:

"are you guys dating yet?" hoseok asked seoyeonas she waited for jeongguk to get off of work.

"oh, no. we're just, well, i don't know what we are." seoyeonanswered whilst fiddling with the straw of her coffee.

"that's cool." hoseok replied as he sat on the counter. "you're so cute, bless you."

seoyeonchuckled, "thanks."

"namjoonie, where's jeongguk?" she raised her voice loud enough for namjoon to hear as he was clearing the tables.

"he's in the back." namjoon replied just as loud, as seoyeonwalked through the back waiting room to find the brunette boy sat on his phone drinking an iced coffee.

"there you are!" seoyeonwalked to jeongguk and frustratedly fell on him.

"yes, here i am." jeongguk chuckled. "what's wrong?"

"i'm bored and hoseok was being weird, he called me cute and then blessed me?" seoyeonspoke but it came out more as a question.

"uh okay. come with me." the two got up and walked out to the front of the cafe.

"dude what the fuck?" jeongguk spoke to hoseok.

"what?" hoseok looked genuinely confused.

"you called my girl cute, and then blessed her? she doesn't need to be blessed and you can't call her cute. only i can." jeongguk spoke.

"woah guk. chill! i didn't mean anything by it. damn."

"yeah gukkie, it's fine. and yes i do need to be blessed. have you seen the state of me?" seoyeontold jeongguk.

"yes. and you're beautiful."

"thank you, but it's not a big deal."

"he's right seoyeon." hoseok smiled.

"do you wanna die?!" jeongguk punched hoseok's arm.

"guk calm down." namjoon shouted.

"let's go, now." seoyeonsaid, then grabbed jeongguk and walked out of the cafe.

"stop flirting with my girl!" jeongguk yelled to hoseok before the door closed fully.

"guk? what the hell was that all about?"

"babe, i'm sorry. i just get jealous when other people flirt with my girl."

"i know, but hoseok was just being friendly,he's like an older brother to me."

"i'm sorry."

"just shut the fuck up and kiss me." seoyeonwalked over to the boy and placed her lips on his.

after seconds of making out, they pulled away.

"be my girlfriend." jeongguk said out of nowhere.

seoyeonsmiled ear to ear. "yes!" she hugged her, now boyfriend.

"that was the cutest shit i've ever seen." namjoon was standing outside the cafe with hoseok and seokjin.

"shut up!" jeongguk laughed and hugged his girlfriend.

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