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third person:

namjoon walked into the apartment to see jeongguk and seoyeon lying together on the couch. jeongguk's arms were snaked around seoyeon's waist, and seoyeonhad her head resting in the crook of jeongguk's neck.

namjoon smiled to himself, at how cute they looked together. jeongguk seemed happier ever since seoyeoncame into his life.

"these two." namjoon mumbled as he placed the take out on the kitchen counter.

seoyeonwalked into the kitchen, feeling sleepy.

"hey joonie." seoyeonsat at the kitchen counter, and rested her head on her hand.

"hey bub, you hungry?" namjoon asked. the two had gotten much closer, and he treated her like his little sister.


namjoon placed a bowl of ramen noodles in front of her.

"thank you. any chance you wanna make me a coffee?" seoyeonasked namjoon as he had his back to her.

namjoon turned around holding two mugs with hot coffee inside.

"i knew you were gonna ask that."

"ugh you legend. thank you." seoyeonbegan eating her food, with namjoon sat opposite her at the kitchen island counter.

"so, how are things," namjoon began as he sipped his coffee, "with jeongguk?"

"we talked. he opened up to me. i guess we fell asleep though."

"clearly. is he still asleep?"

"probably." she giggled.

"are you two together?" seoyeonnearly choked.


"just asking."

"uhm, no we're not."

"why not?"

"i don-"

"hey guys, what are you doing?" jeongguk said as he walked into the kitchen.

"eating. i brought take out, help yourself." namjoon pointed behind him, and mouthed to seoyeon. "are you two together or no?"

seoyeonignored it, filling her mouth with noodles.

"this is good." jeongguk said, his mouth full of food.

"you guys would make a cute couple."

"namjoon, what the fuck."

"would make?" jeongguk asked, "we already are."

"what?" seoyeonand namjoon questioned in unison.

"well, i mean, we're not official, but we obviously have something."

"yeah. right."

"well everybody knows that." namjoon laughed.

"alright . i have to leave now. i have a meeting tomorrow for my book." seoyeongot up, and gathered her things. "thank you for dinner, i'll see you guys tomorrow."

seoyeonrushed over to the front door as jack followed.

"hey." jeongguk connected his lips with seoyeon's.

they both could feel the butterflies in their stomachs, the same ones that were there the first time they kissed. jeongguk pulled away from the kiss, which seoyeonhad melted into.

"text me."

"thank you for tonight." she smiled softly, and exited the apartment.

namjoon stood behind jeongguk and laughed.

"just date already."

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