Chapter 8

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Hey guys! I just posted my trailer for this fan fiction! Please go check it out!! ..... if you read on a phone it is in the description part thing and if you read on a computer it is beside the storyy if you scroll down a bit! Okay.....


Chapter 8

In the morning I wake up to Jack snoring loudly next to my room. Ugh. I get up and walk into his room. It was five o'clock and I didn't have to get up until seven o'clock so I actually wanted to get up at seven o'clock.

I sneak into his room and grab his hat. It has a feather on it so I pull it off and quietly walk over to his bed. I lower the feather to his face and tickle his face. He grabs my arm and opens his eyes.

"Hey sis!" He says and I groan.

"You were snoring deliberately, so you could get me in trouble. Weren't you?" I question and he smirks.

"I hate you." I say and walk out of his room. Next minute, mum is in my room almost yelling at me. Yeah, thanks Jack. I wish I didn't have a brother or any siblings, like Jai. The phone starts ringing and I get a text from Jai,

'We have an interview at 9 am today.' He says and I groan. I don't like interviews. I was always going to interviews for The Voice Kids and for Jack.

"Celia. You and Jai have an interview at 9 am today." My mum says as she walks through the door. I grumble an I know and she walks away. I have a quick shower and walk to Jai's place. It was now eight o'clock and we were going to meet my mother and Jack at the studio.

"Are you nervous?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No. I've done it heaps of times." I say and he grabs my hand. We get to the studio in Sydney and we walk behind Jai's mother and hold hands. He didn't like doing that type of stuff in front of his mother and to be honest when he accidentally grabbed my hand in front of Jack I felt uncomfortable about it. For some reason the car park seemed big. Even though it was probably the size of an over sized inflatable pancake. But then again, why would a pancake be inflatable?

"Do you like pancakes?" I ask Jai and he looks at me confused.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because, um.... pancakes are cakes in pans?" I say as he is drinking water out of a drink bottle and as I say that he spits it everywhere, just missing his mothers legs. I laugh at his reaction to my explanation and he looks and me confused.

"What was that?" He asks.

"I don't know. I get in unusual moods when I go for interviews." I say.

"Bloody unusual." He says and I laugh. As we enter the studio I let go of Jai's hand and we walk up next to Alana. I hear Jack call my name and look over to see him wink at me. As*hole. He always does that when I am near Jai. It's annoying as hell. The lady shoes us backstage to the room we get our make up done. The terribly annoying dyed red-haired woman makes me sneeze with the amount of power she puts on my face.

After that, we walk in the green room where the director of Sunrise tells us a few things to do, but as per-usual I don't listen. He asked us if we wanted to sing a song and so we are doing a duet of Build A Home by Cinematic Orchestra. We always sung that song together.

"You ready?" Jai asks as we are just about to walk into the studio.

"Yeah." I say. We walk in and sit down on the lounge and Sam tells us that we have 10 seconds to prepare our selves for our audition. Jai grabs my hand and looks at me in the eye. It wasn't only us, but Jack, Mum and Alana were next to us.

All I Want - Sequel to Fix You - (Jai Waetford)Where stories live. Discover now