Chapter 2-Invite For Yamada

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Lunch time had rolled around and students had went off with their friends to talk and eat. Budo, as promised, walked up to the roof and looked around for Taro, who was eating by himself today. Budo suddenly felt a shiver. He's never talked to him before and wasn't used to talking to quiet types.

"Just try not to be too loud or anything. He seems like a sensitive boy," He told himself and walked over to Taro. He stopped at a respectable distance.

"HEY! I mean... hey there," He smiled. Taro flinched from his first greeting. He held out a hand for Taro to shake. Taro looked at his hand and trailed up at Budo's face. He had a mix of interest and confusion. People didn't just randomly speak to him often. Budo noticed the discomfort and smoothed back his hair with the hand he held out.

"Uh... hello, Budo," He immediately prepared things to say back to the club leader, fearing that he would come off as boring to a dude known to have a lot of energy. Budo looked at him a bit shocked.

"You know of me?"

"Uh, everyone knows your name. Well, most people do."

"Oh... right... well can I sit with you for a moment?" Taro felt his face burn up. The only person he really talked to on a regular was Osana.

"Uh, sure I suppose..." He scooted over and allowed Budo to sit. Both of them felt their backs tense up, which was foreign to Budo. His eyes widened from the new feeling, but played it cool.

"So, how are you today?" Budo smiled at him. Taro could not keep eye contact. He was looking in every other direction.

"Oh it's going well. Going well... The weather's really nice," He looked at Budo, "Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but why did you want to speak to me today? You haven't done this before..."

"Oh, well I just wanted to ask a question out of curiosity... Why do you sit alone here? Is everything alright?" He had a little concern in his voice. Taro's eyes lit up a little. Someone asking if he was alright meant more to him than the yelling he got from Osana. He kept eye contact this time.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Uh, I usually have one person here with me, but she's somewhere else right now. She's thinking about joining the Light Music club so... yeah... I don't mind it though. I can think to myself and such..." Budo nodded understanding. He was holding his breath now. He didn't know why he wanted Taro to say yes so badly.

"Hey, you should come to the Martial Arts Club-"

"Oh! Uh, I'm sorry I don't fight," Taro felt sweat on his face and held up his hands.

"No no..." He tried to calm Taro down, " I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to have lunch with us today." Taro paused at how foreign that sounded.

                                                                               An Invite?...

"He's so nice... I don't want to say no... plus I kinda want to..." He thought to himself. Budo waited for his answer and his face slightly turned red.

"Uh, alright sure. Sounds good, " Taro nodded and stood up. Budo smiled and led him downstairs. Budo tried to breathe properly but couldn't. His eyes were widened now. Taro looked over to him and raised a brow.

"Hey are you alright?"

"Y-yeah. The weather's just lovely. Very."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Martial Arts group haven't eaten a bite of their food. They were sitting stiffly as they waited for Budo to come back with a response. The windows were wiped clean, the floor was swept up, everything was straightened out, and they sat together with proper posture with their hands folded. Their eyes were wide open.

"He's not gonna come..." Shima said, "He's not gonna arrive. He's gonna say no to Budo and-"

The group flinched when the door clicked opened. Budo and Taro walked in and closed the door behind them. Taro gave a little wave with an awkward smile on his face. Budo was trying not to smile too hard. Shima wasn't breathing at the moment. The boys sat down with the group.

.       .        .    

"So what are you hiding?"

"Shima!" Mina nudged her shoulder. Taro raised a brow.


"Ignore her..." She shook her head, "Soooo you're a third year huh?" Mina desperately tried to make sure nothing weird happened today.

"Uh yeah..." He responded uncomfortably. Shima looked around in a grumpy fashion and looked at Budo. He was too silent. She focused on him and found it weird how he just looked down at the food instead of the people around him.

"So, we've noticed how you like to read in the morning," She started, "What do you read?" Taro blushed a little at the question. Budo seemed to mimic his blushing. Shima narrowed her eyes at the club leader. Mina looked at the rest of her friends. They were all staring at Taro as if he was a whole different entity. She deadpanned.

"Uh....What do you guys do around here?" Taro asked.

Shima wasn't even listening to the conversation anymore. She stopped at the sight of Budo looking dead at Taro, eyes locked and smiling warmly. Her chopsticks were hanging from her mouth as her eyes widened.

"WAIT." She thought. Budo seemed to enjoy the sound of Taro's voice the most. The smile on his face wasn't the usual friendly smile, but a softer one. His eyes were aimed around Taro's eyes and mouth, and he was leaning toward him without noticing.

"I have to help him!" She thought. She was now able to tune back into the conversation.

"Oh, would you like some rice? I brought enough for everyone," Mina smiled.

"Oh sure, thank yo-"

"DO YOU WANNA HANG OUT AFter school?..." Shima caught herself too late, scaring everyone in the room from her loud outburst, mostly Budo. His eyes were widened. She could tell Taro wanted to take the invite, but he sighed.

"Can't...I promised a friend that I would go to a cafe she saw on the other side of town after school..."

"Oh..." Mina looked around now feeling awkward. Budo frown and straightened his posture.

"Understandable..." He said. Taro's heart dropped from the disappointment in Budo's voice.

"Uhhh....B-but maybe next time..." He awkwardly stood up at the bell since lunchtime was over, "Thanks for lunch... This was nice...." He bowed and walked out of the room. The group looked at Budo since they noticed his looks too. Budo wasn't sure what to say.


Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now