Chapter 6 - Dinner

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*Thursday Evening*

It was 7:15 pm in Buraza Town. Oka was in the Occult Room with her group. They looked up a ritual online since the one they've been using hasn't done them any good. Oka's phone vibrated just as they were all slowly raising their hands, getting ready to attempt to summon a demon yet again. She took out her phone and looked at the text from Ayano.

"Oka. You will need to go to Taro's house to spy on them. I saw them head for his house. Update the group on EVERYTHING that they do. Go now."

Oka sighed and took her hood off. Right when they were about to chant, She stood up, causing the others to look up at her.

"Um....I have to go.... I have something... important that I must take care of.... If you spawn a it..." The group gave a single nod and Oka walked out of the club room. The group was now sweating because Oka had all the instructions. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Yamada family and Budo were now eating together. They spoke about the most basic things like how their days went. Budo and Taro occasionally held hands under the table. Taro felt fuzzy every time he touch his hand. Hanako began to stare at her brother, noticing that his face was pinker than usual.

Meanwhile, Oka wondered around Taro's house for a window to look through. She was holding her camera with both hands while she nervously ran around the yard in a wobbling fashion. She almost tripped twice on air. She wasn't a runner. She found the window that led into the dining room, and saw the family enjoying dinner together. She brought up the chat room that Ayano made on Skype.

"I'm at the house..."

Ayano was doing random chores around the house. She was currently washing dishes.

"Good. What are they doing?"

"It seems that Budo was invited over for dinner..."


"Are you alright, Ayano?..."

Ayano was stabbing her kitchen walls viciously with one of the knives she was washing.

"WHY!... WHY!...WHY!..." She said with every stab. Oka expected the worst since Ayano seemed to care the most about all this. Another reply popped up in the group chat.

"Meanwhile at lunch, I told the boys at the fountain about their relationship~ They weren't pleased~ I also said some other stuff too." Kizana replied. Ayano stopped at the sound of her phone buzzing on the counter and swiftly picked it up to check the messages.

"What else did you say?..."

"Hmm I may or may not have also told people that they openly display their relationship outside of school for money~" she messaged back. Ayano deadpanned.

"...You what?"

"I also said that Budo's interest in Martial Arts was faked and that he beats up girls because he hates them so much! I bow~"

Oka gave a sigh and returned to the window. Hanako stopped eating because her brother was acting weird. He gave the occasional 'yeah' and nods. Hanako had an idea on what was going on and leaned over, trying to see what they were doing. She kneeled down and looked under the table. Budo was massaging Taro's hand under the table while he listened to Taro's parents speak. Mrs. Yamada looked over to her daughter.

"Hanako?...What are you doing?" Her mother said. Hanako was leaning over to the point where she could fall over. She looked over to her mother quickly.

"...Stretching?" She smiled nervously. Everyone just stared puzzled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After dinner, Hanako went to Taro's room and knocked on the door. Taro answered and she immediately walked in and slammed the door shut.

"Everything alright Ha-"

"BIG BROTHER," Hanako started crying, "You told me that you wouldn't replace me when you got a date!" Taro and Budo immediately covered her mouth.

"Not too loud!"

Hanako removed both of their hands and pushed them with the strength of ten men. Both boys fell to the floor with a thud.

"You said that you would never replace me! WHO'S THIS TARO? WHO'S THIS??"

"I haven't replaced you Hanako... I promise never to replace you alright?" She continued to sniffle.

"Alright how about this... You have me at least 2 hours a day and you can hang out with us sometime in public.... Uhh I'll also give you money too!" Taro said.

"I want candy too!" She sniffled.

"Candy too! Just... please don't speak about it..."

Hanako wiped her eyes and nodded.



Budo felt guilty now. He has been spending more time with Taro than his sister was, and knew how much that meant to her. 

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now