Chapter 3-2 Overnight Stay

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At around 11:45 pm, Taro stayed late enough to stay over for the night. Mainly without permission. The other club members had went home hours ago. The boys had gotten lost in conversation and were getting tired.

"So, you cancelled on her to hang out with us?" Budo asked.

"Yeah... I mean, I didn't necessarily want to do it... but... she can get pretty intense sometimes... And knowing how nice you guys were to me, I really wanted to reach out, you know? You think it was too mean?..." he looked up at Budo since Budo was lying on the bed, while he was sitting on the floor.

"Well, based on how you explained her, I see why you did so. However...."

He was going to say that he should have just spend time with them on Friday instead, but then none of this probably would have happened the same way.

"Eh, I'm sure she'll understand... She had you longer anyway." Budo didn't know if saying that was insensitive or not.

"Yeah, we've been friends since childhood, and I've only ever spend time with her and my sister, Hanako. So, I wanted to try something else for a change ......But... I still feel guilty about it."

"You have a kind heart, you know that?" He said with a low voice. Taro blushed from the compliment.

"Eh, I dunno..." He said shyly mimicking Budo's tone.

"No, really... you do." Budo scooted a bit closer to him. Taro felt tingles on his face, "The way you've put up with her for that long without getting angry is rather kind."

"Oh... uh... I guess... Uh, we've been friends for a long time so..." Taro silenced. Budo chuckled a bit at his reaction.

"You're not a compliments guy, are you?" He rested his head on one of his arms.

"Just not used to it honestly..."

"Sorry, didn't know." Budo looked to the side.

"N-No, it's alright! I'm just really weird like that...I don't even talk much, so I don't know how to respond to things like that...aha..." he looked at Budo with a sorry look.

"Don't say that. You're not weird... You just prefer to keep to yourself a lot. That's fine..."

"Y-yeah... Um..."

They were pretty close at this point. They shared a moment of silence. Both of their faces turned reddish. Taro noticed that they were speaking in low voices and placed two and two together.

"Whoa, ah..."

"Nn..." he interrupted Taro mid sentence. He wanted him to be silent. He couldn't help but rest his forehead against his. Taro's heart started racing.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's about to happen? This wasn't planned! Well...None of this was planned but...." He thought.

Budo got closer and gently planted a small upside down kiss on Taro's lips. He then broke the small kiss and looked at him, seeming as though he was too focused on Taro to care about what he just did. Taro's eyes widened. He turned toward Budo so that they were facing one another directly. They locked eyes intensely until Taro held his hands up and slowly placed them on Budo's face. He tilted his head to the side gently kissing him back. Budo tugged a bit on his collar as they embraced, feeling the warmth between each other's faces and the room they were in.

They slowly broke the kiss and rested their foreheads against each other's. They both were left speechless with reddened faces and silly smiles.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


At around the same time, Ayano texted 6 of the 7 numbers in a large group text with a threat message.

"Hello. Do not reply to this message... You will arrive at the Audiovisual Room first thing tomorrow morning before school. You should arrive at 7:00 am sharp... Do not tell anyone about this. Do not ask me what I need you to do yet. Just be there. I will give you everything you need to know at the meeting. Come alone. Do not bring any weapons with you. Failure to do any of these things will result in a loved one being harmed. Do not ask how, for I have my ways of doing things...I will expect all 6 of you to be there... Do not test me."

She pressed send and got ready for bed.

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now