Chapter 12 - Stop Spreading Rumors...

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Monday After School...

After school, the girls were back in the audiovisual room again. The girls were glaring at her. Amai's mind was elsewhere. She was clearly broken. Ayano turned toward the group.

"I've noticed something after Budo went home... Where's Taro?" Ayano asked since she went to get supplies around that time.

"He went home with Budo to take care of him." Osoro told her. Ayano began to twitch slightly.

"Uh...are you alright?" Osana asked. Ayano looked at Oka. Oka sighed, already knowing what to do.

"Wait... Where's Kizana?....WHERE IS SHE..." Ayano asked.

~~~ ~~~

"OH and that's not all~ Apparently, he ALSO BRIBED his opponents to let him win in his competitions. A real scumbag, but you didn't hear it from me~" Kizana told. She was sitting where Taro used to sit at the fountain with her legs crossed. Students stayed after school just to hear the rumors. They didn't know if they stayed for the validity of the rumors, or the story telling. They were just hyped up and believed every word.

"He puts on a generous persona, but that's ONLY to keep his reputation up~ AVOID AT AAAAAALL COST~" Musume was filming it on her phone since she thought this was all hilarious. Kizana got a message from Ayano.

"Where are you?..."

"At the fountain, entertaining the masses~" Kizana replied. Ayano's eyes widened with rage.


"I can't! The people need me, Ayano darling!"

"This will definitely get Taro to hate you and ruin the plan. You want him right??"

"Eh, keep him! I'm going back to an old lover, and that is fame!~ Mwa~"

Ayano groaned and placed her phone in her pocket. Osoro noticed the look on Ayano's face, already knowing what happened.


"She won't stop will she..." Osoro said.

"No..." Ayano facepalmed. She looked around and noticed Oka was gone. "Where is Oka?..."

"She went to go to Taro's to spy..." Osana said. Ayano almost forgot that she sent her out in the first place. Amai was lying on the floor. Osoro sighed and picked her up, placing her back on her feet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Budo's dad wasn't home at the moment, so it was easy for Taro to enter. He made a mental note to thank Kokona for helping him bring Budo home. His dad was pretty careless, so he didn't pick him up from school. Budo was in bed.

"Please eat..." Taro begged holding a spoon up to Budo's face. He blocked the spoon.

"I'm not eating soup..."

"Well what will you eat?"

"Nothing. I never threw up that bad in my life..."

"Well, you can't do this forever..."

Budo just covered his face from under the covers. His nose and throat had sharp pains going through each. Oka was now at Budo's house and went to get a ladder. She found one and used it to climbed up to the window. She saw Taro trying to feed Budo.

"No more accepting food from strangers while this drama is here..." Taro told him. Oka sighed and texted the group chat what she saw. Ayano looked at the message and groaned.

"He won't eat food off of anyone except Taro now...." Ayano said to the rest of the group. Amai let out a happy sigh. Ayano slowly looked toward her and smirked, "Which is whyyyyy you Amaaaaai, will now sneak up and poison whatever food Budo brings to school himself! You're welcome~"

Amai just stood there with the same smile on her face. She fell to her knees.

"Oh get up..." Ayano demanded, "I guess you don't like Taro enough..."


Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now