Chapter 14 - So You Really Like Him

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Tuesday After School...

Only Ayano, Asu, Amai, Oka, and Osoro were in the Audiovisual room after school. Osana was home today. The girls were just sitting at a computer. Oka was reading about nearby witchcraft stores. Asu was playing with a hacky sack. Ayano took out her phone and messaged Osana directly.

"I've been thinking. I'll give you until next Wednesday to tell Budo's dad... Do it by then, or else..." Ayano messaged.

Osana looked at the large bandage on her knee, repeating what she said to Taro in her mind. She heard her phone buzz and looked at the message in bed. She ignored it and called Taro instead.

Taro was taking a walk through a nearby town, which was mostly woods and houses within them. Almost country like. He just wanted his mind to get lost in nature instead of what was going on at school.

"Maybe Budo and I just need to...get away... Would the school like that?" He felt his phone vibrate and took it out of his pocket.


"Hey Taro..." Osana said.

"Oh hey, Osana," he said, "What did you call for?"

"We... need to talk."

"Actually, I agree..." he said back, "Look, I'm sorry that I cancelled on you to be with Budo... It's just that-"

"Don't mention it. I'm not mad about that...Actually... I need to talk to you about Budo...You...really like him, don't you..." Osana waited for a reply nervously. She stared at her phone. Taro took a moment to reply. Tears dropped from his eyes.

"V-Very..." He said. Osana's eyes widened when she heard his voice crack.


"I like him so much.. H-He's the sweetest person I've ever met, and I just feel so comfortable around him. I don't feel like he judges anything I do, or only likes me superficially... He listens to what I have to say, He doesn't feel fake, I trust him and... Look I know I sound crazy, but I feel that way about him!... I just want to be around him... to be near him. I yearn to be with him at all times... And e-everyone just keeps messing with him with all the notes, and taunting and rumors! It's driving us mad and I want it to stop! He's starting to crack, and if... if I lose him because of this... I-I don't know what I'll do... It's as if we can't have nice things! I've been waiting for someone like him for a long time. I know I'm being extreme and I'm aware of that, but -" He sniffled.

Osana just stared at the ceiling stiff. Her breathing had stopped. Not only was she not the one he was looking for, but her guilt was eating at her for sabotaging his life. She never head Taro yell so much.

"I-I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..." She kept saying in her mind.

"Osana?" He sniffled, "You still there?"

"Y-yeah.. I hear you..." She said. He sighed.

"Sorry I went out of control, but it's as if the school is trying to kill him... I'm thinking about not going back..."

"What? You can't just drop out, Taro!"

"I...I gotta go..." He hung up and continued walking. Osana sat up immediately.

"Taro?? TARO?"

Taro began to look at the vacant houses in the area. Some of the houses looked a bit dilapidated, while others just had plants going up the walls. He imagined fixing up one of these places with Budo. At least as a little hide out for them to just be alone. He sighed and headed home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Next... Wednesday Morning...

Taro and Budo were sitting in the back of the school. Budo had his eyes closed, resting them. He was resting his head against Taro's with an arm wrapped around him.

"I was thinking that maybe a first date would improve our mood," Taro said. Budo didn't respond. Taro looked at him.

"Budo?.... Budo..." He kissed his nose. Budo winced since his nose was still sore.

"I dunno..."

"Can we at least try?" Taro asked, "Please?..." Budo opened his eyes and looked at Taro. He smiled a little at his eyes.

"Alright. How does Friday sound?" Budo said. Taro smiled.

"Sounds good."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Meanwhile, Osana was heading over to Budo's house to tell his father everything including some of the rumors. She walked without any real life in her steps. When she saw the house, she immediately wanted to turn around.

"...How much is my life really worth after I do this?....Really, how much?..." she thought. She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Her heartbeat sped up and her body felt lighter, as if she was going to tip over or float away. Her eyes widened at the clicking of the door locks and a muscular man answered the door. He was at least 6 feet tall.

"Yes? Who are you?"

"Uh, I'm a student from Akademi High and....YOUR SON'S IN A RELATIONSHIP WIth a fellow classmate...who is male....BUT HE SEEMS VERY HAPPY AND-"

"What?..." The man glared at her. She gave the same glare back.

"Oh come on! Do you know what year it is, old man?? I could have told you he sold his soul or something! I didn't even tell you the rumors, and you're already shocked at male?" The man's glare overpowered hers. She immediately shrunk.

"I'm not having this in my house... he's my only non-stupid son I haven't disowned... How is the Masuda last name going to be passed down?....TELL ME."

"Weeeell If it makes you happy, he's a 'top'? Aheheheh?... So technically he will be able to pass down his last na-"

The man slammed the door in her face mid sentence. She gulped and headed to school with the time she had left. She didn't even bother rushing.

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now