Chapter 22.2 - The Worst Friend

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Ayano released her shoulder from Osoro and backed up a bit, holding her knife. She then remembered a crucial detail and casually let go of it. The group stared at her confused.

"What are you doing?!" Osoro yelled.

"Where's Taro!?" Osana asked. Ayano just looked at them both before running down the halls after Taro. The rest of the group ran after her. Osana stopped at the sight of Budo on the ground, bleeding out. Her eyes widened assuming the worst.

"No....NO!" She quickly ran up the stairs, trying to reach the Martial Arts Club. Ayano and the group passed the Martial Arts room in their chase. Osana appeared moments afterward and tried to open the club room doors. It was locked.

"Taro?" Osana banged on the door, "Taro, please open the door!"

Taro was in the room with a knife. The room was dark since he blocked out most of the light from the window. The knife in his hand reflected the afternoon sun, almost imitating a still candle. He went to the door and cracked it open. Osana tried to slide the door back, but Taro held his grip on it to keep it mostly closed.

"Taro... Seriously... Do NOT do what I think you're about to do..."

"I....don't want to talk to you of all people..." Taro said weakly. Osana looked back at him confused.


"I know you helped her... you really helped her...after all I told you about him and..." He said.


"I spilled my heart out to you about him, and you still helped her try to get rid of really did that!...Just...go..." Taro tried to close the door but Osana pulled back. She was losing her breath.

"Wait! Taro! I'm sorry! Please don't! I regret doing that! I didn't mean to betray you! I had no choi.....No..I did have a choice and I'm sorry! Please!" Taro and Osana were tugging on the door, but Taro beat Osana in strength and managed to close the door. He locked it.

"Taro!" She banged on the door, "TAAAAAAROOOOOOO!"

                                                                                             . . .

Ayano and the other two heard Osana's screaming from downstairs. They all quickly ran down the stairs to head to the noise. Ayano looked at Asu and stuck out her foot, causing Asu to trip and fall down. Asu yelped and fell with a thump at the bottom of the stairs. Osoro leaped over her and raced Ayano down the hall.

Things on the other side were rather silent. Osana stared at the door stiff and looked down to see blood slowly coming from under the door. Tears began to run down her face and she dropped to her knees.


Ayano and Osoro ran up to the door the slowed down once they approached the blood on the ground. The group looked at the puddle of blood silently. The sound of police sirens could be heard from afar. Ayano looked at the girls and quietly walked backwards. She quickly ran down the stairs once she was far enough and headed to the locker rooms to change her clothes and bathe. She may have lost Taro, but she wasn't going to take the blame today.

The police entered the school and saw Budo on the ground. They found the knife and began to examine it. They analyzed the fingerprints on the weapon and saw that there was chipped nail polish on the knife. Two police guards headed upstairs.

Meanwhile, Ayano had changed into her gym uniform and was heading to the incinerator to burn her clothing. She threw in the gloves and her uniform quickly, then activated it. She proceeded to run home while the police where distracted, dodging any policemen that were outside. She maneuvered from tree to behind another tree until she made it passed the gate. She then headed home.

The police found Osana by the Martial Arts Club doors. One policeman broke into the room, seeing the pool of blood. She tried not to look at Taro, tearing up even harder... The stab wound was directly through his heart...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

7:00 pm...

"WAIT. IT WASN'T ME." Osana yelled. She and Osana were currently being questioned at the police station.

"IT WASN'T HER!" Osoro yelled.

"We found weapons with her DNA at the crime scene along with the blood of a student on the blade..."

"No! I'm telling you! She was framed for this! It was that Ayano girl! Ayano Aishi!"

"We observed the crime scene along with questioning, and we were unable to link any evidence to her and the murder of Budo Masuta..."

"Wait! Ch-Check the cameras! There's no way!" Osoro yelled. Osana looked at the police officers, staring hopelessly at the possibility of 25 to life in prison, or a death sentence...

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