Chapter 23.2 - Karma

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3 Wednesday Mornings Later...

It's been 2 weeks since the funerals of both boys... It seems as though it started raining a lot more ever since. Akademi High hadn't spoken about the incidents that happened out of respect for both families. Kizana was at home since she had been suspended for spreading lies that led to the melancholy end of both boys, and for decreasing the schools reputation. The Martial Arts Club of course closed down, placing all of the members in a depression in the process. Shima, the youngest of the group, was hit the hardest by the loss. She had to stay home several days at a time. Her thoughts kept telling her that she failed to find and warn him about the offenders.

Meanwhile, Hanako was out currently, sitting by Taro's grave after the thunder and rain cleared up. Her mother told her not to, but she of course ignored her wishes. She seemed to feel like she had never left this spot since the funeral despite reality. She seem to had been sitting here ever since mentally. She sat there hugging her knees with a blank, yet somber stair into nowhere, eyes pointing toward the ground.

Ayano had managed to be able to go to school regardless of her new reputation. She thought that she would be bedridden after these events, but she was rather in disbelief. It hadn't truly hit her yet.

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11 pm That Wednesday...

The Occult Club had decided to have a late night meeting. They managed to open the side doors of the school and entered the halls. They quietly walked down to the Occult room in their hoods. They brought bags of supplies after researching how to summon a ghost... Oka unlocked the door and walked in with the other members. They set up everything differently than how they usually would and held hands. Taro's book was in the middle of the pentagram on the ground.

"Ooooooohhh spirit of Tarooooo.......Do you hear us?......" Oka started, "I know... that I have betrayed you... in a way that has costed you....and your lover's life.....shattered dreams that I take part of the blame for his... and your demise... I ask of you to forgive me... and for what I have helped cause.... In exchange of loyalty to you.... I and my conrads shall serve every command.... every task..... And every simple and complicated request you may have of us.... We will do anything...." Oka said. Daku Atsu's eyes opened a little at 'everything' but closed his eyes again out of respect. Oka continued.

"Our loyalty will forever be in your possession....for as long as you deem us unworthy of your forgiveness.... For we want justice of the wicked one as well...." The group continued to hold hands. The candles slowly turned white. Everyone but Oka was wide eyed, scared at the fact that that worked, mostly because Oka's eyes were still closed. When she opened her eyes, they played it cool. They looked by Shin chair and saw a faint translucent figure that looked similar to Taro. He looked back judging. The Occult Club members looked at him rather shaken.

"K i l l . . . h e r . . . 

S o  I  c a n  m a k e  h e r  s u f f e r . . .

 f o r e v e r . . . "

The Occult club members slowly bowed toward him, agreeing to the task without hesitation...

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                                                                               -        -       -

Thursday Morning...

Students have noticed that the cherry blossom trees were starting to brown and die earlier than usual, especially the confession tree. The confession tree was noticeably browner than it was yesterday. The students were whispering quietly about the trees as they walked to the school. When they entered, the halls seemed colder. Ayano  made her way to her locker to change her shoes. A note fell out onto the ground. She picked it up and read it.

"Yan-Chan, please come to the outside of the school nearing Buraza Street... Osoro needs to speak with you immediately..." The note was black written in white ink, so she assumed it was from Oka. She changed her shoes and went to go look for a blade of some sort for protection. She went with something simple and took one of the cooking club knives. She hid it in her bag and proceeded to leave the school grounds.

She walked down the street, feeling that someone was following behind her at close proximity. It was directly on her spine. She quickly turned around to see that no one was there. She slowly turned back and headed to Buraza street. The feeling returned and she was having a slightly harder time breathing. She saw a similar black note by the street corner.

"How'd she...." She thought. She tried to ignore the presence behind her and picked up the note.

"Now take a left." Ayano looked left and saw an alleyway. She readied her knife and walked into the alleyway. She saw the Occult club members there and looked around for Osoro.

"Where is she?" Ayano asked. The members were silent. They started to walk toward her. Ayano deadpanned and walked toward the group. She grabbed one of the members, but the other five pinned her to the ground. Ayano struggled to get out of her grip while Oka readied the ritual knife. She went for it and stabbed Ayano multiple times viciously. Taro proceeded to watch Ayano apathetically as she was stabbed to death and struggled in pain. 

"Evil one!... E V I L  O N E !" Oka yelled while she stabbed. Ayano's eyes were wide open. She was unable to move her arms and legs.   Her visions eventually blurred and turned to nothing. The members stood up when the deed was done. Taro soon sighed and faded away afterward, unsatisfied...

No matter what revenge was gotten today, Taro's dreams were still shattered... This incident, and his love for Budo would be the only thing left in true memory of them...

The End...

:Authors note: Thank you for reading this story of mine~ There is no sequel plans for this ending, but there is for the good ending. If you want a sequel to the good ending, leave a comment saying so and I'll do it.

Edit: 1/6/2019: I have written a midway story between this story and the proper sequel. It's called Hacking Info and if you want to know what happens to Ayano after the good ending, here ya go. Yes Budo and Taro will show up briefly:

Hacking Info:

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now