Chapter 21.2 - Not So Fast...

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Do It... Butaro (Bad Ending) Warning: Triggering topic up ahead. If you are sensitive, please go to the good ending, or read this first, and read the good ending afterward.  Or just skip the sensitive parts. Seriously, things get depressing...

"Uhhhh..." Taro just stared at Budo. He wanted to find the rest of the group, but also wanted to leave. Ayano had opened her eyes and looked up toward the both of them. She had a throbbing headache, but it didn't stop her from getting off the floor. She readied her knife and glared at the back of Budo's head.

"Listen... I know you're angry from what happened, but don't do what I did with the delinquents. This is our time to- HN!...." Budo's eyes widened at the feeling of an incredibly sharp pain in his chest. Taro flinched at the knife going through his love's chest. The long knife exited and Budo fell to the ground with a thump. Taro looked up to see Ayano grinning back at him with the bloody knife in hand.

"Don't be sad, senpai," She started, "he wasn't really good for you ya know...?" Ayano said hollowly. Taro's grip on his bat got weaker. He dropped to Budo's side and shook his head a little.

"BUDO!" Taro yelled, "Can you hear me?! Budo please... please....Budo get up!" he was patting Budo's face, watching the life drain out of him. Budo lied limp in Taro's arms. Taro felt his body get colder and slowly looked up toward Ayano. She continued to give Taro a loving, yet blank gaze.

"I know it seems bad right now... but once we're together, you should be fine after our first date~" Ayano slowly walked toward him, "You allow me to have a sense of feeling.... A true desire for life that I never had are the light in my world..."

Taro just glared at her. He was stuck between harming her for what she's done, or just ending his own life. So much has happened. His mind was everywhere.

"....You....You really think you have... some sort of special right to have me?" He started, "You took the one person that didn't give me crap in my life! Do you understand the gravity of what you've just done?!... You probably don't... I would call you a monster, but there's nothing that would stop you, is there..." He was shaking. Ayano frowned.

"Senpai," She reached out a hand, "I need you to feel normal. Do you know how special that is in of itself?-"

"Budo made me feel normal! What makes you deserve it more!? I hope you go to jail! I hope someone ruins you!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Senpai, you will understand someday down the line..."

"No...I won't... I won't let you have this..." He stood up, lying Budo gently on the ground. He took a few steps back. "The only way you can't have me is if I'm not around....and because of you, I don't even want to be around anymore..." Tears were running down Taro's face. Ayano tilted her head smiling, but was now on edge.

"Whaaaaat are you doing, s-senpai?" Ayano started walking closer to him, "I-I finally have you now... Don't you see that I love you? Why aren't you happy that I love you? All that I've done for you?? I don't understand..." Ayano was staring intensely. Taro stared back feeling the rest of his heart shatter into nothing, and his dreams with Budo walk out of his body into a void. He ran down the hall and up the stairs. Ayano was about to chase after him, when she felt a strong grip tug on her shoulder.

"Not so fast, shrimp..." Osoro said. Osana and Asu were their with her, giving Ayano cold glares. 

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now