Chapter 5 -Stay Over Again?

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*Thursday Afternoon*

It was late afternoon. The sun was finally by the horizon, giving Buraza Town its orange hue. Budo and Taro were walking home after school together, this time to Taro's house. They walked in silence until they got to the door. They stood there for a moment.


Budo raised his brows.

"What are we?..."

"I..." Budo wasn't sure how to answer that. Taro rarely made the first move, but went to hold Budo's hand. Budo glanced at him.

"Like, are we friends or dating? Because that.... Didn't feel like just friendship..." Budo nodded then looked at Taro. He took a deep breath.

"....Can we start off slow?" Budo asked.

"Like dating?"

"Yeah..." Budo rubbed the back of his head. Taro took a moment to himself.

"Sure... I'd like that..." He responded. Budo was internally celebrating and was trying not to let his smile get wider. Taro smiled back and opened the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Meanwhile, Osana was at home contemplating on how she was going to tell Budo's dad, and if she was going to. She paced around her room, avoiding stuff that was knocked onto the floor. The windows were opened to let in air since she was losing a lot of it, wanting to get out of this mess.

"I'm so sorry, Budo... I'm so sorry, Taro... I can't get out of this without someone getting hurt! I'm so sorry!" She finally stopped by the window. She took a silent moment to look at the sunset, squinting from the sunlight. She then picked up her phone and texted Ayano.

"Hey, what's Budo's address?"

Ayano was in the gym preparing a plan on how to rat out all the girls to Taro for ruining both boys reputation. She checked her phone and immediately forwarded the message to Info Chan. Info Chan checked her phone and looked up Budo's information in the school's system. She sent the address to Osana. Osana stared at the address and took a deep breath.

"You gotta do it... You gotta do it... Just do it already!" She thought to herself. She texted back Ayano.

"So, there's a very unlikely chance that we all can get caught because of this...right?..."

Ayano looked at the message and looked to the side. She'd love to see these girls go to jail or better yet, get yelled at by Taro. She wanted things to go to the worst. She let go of the weapons she had in her hands. She decided to keep out of all physical tasks.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Budo and Taro were on the living room watching tv together. A rerun of a variety show about 5 middle aged comedians doing strange task had came on. Taro was eyeing Budo's hand. He slowly reached for it, but was extremely hesitant. Budo looked over to him, then down at what Taro was looking at. He leaned against Taro until their heads were touching. Taro blushed and smiled.

"Wanna stay over for dinner tonight?" Taro asked.

"Sounds good," He placed his hand on Taro's, making Taro stare blankly again. He became flustered immediately afterward.

"W-Well, I'm gonna go ask my m-mother if you can stay," He stood up immediately to go find his mother. Budo just folded his hands and smiled warmly.

"Please have this all go well.... I've never been this nervous in my life..." Budo thought.

Hanako was standing on the stairs glaring at Budo in the darkness of the stairway. She felt neglected ever since Taro started talking to him. Her eyes were blank.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Taro... You should have told me beforehand!" His mother glared. She was standing by the stove, almost finished with dinner.

"Sorry... Everything kinda happened last minute for us..." He told her, "Everything..." He thought. His mother looked at the food, then back at Taro, then at the food. She sighed and placed her spoon down on the counter.


Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now