Chapter 18 - I'm Done With This

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Thursday Night...

It was 10 pm. The boys were in Taro's room tonight. There was only one weak lamp on to provide a little amber lighting. They were both sitting on the floor hugging in the mostly darkened room. Budo rested his head against Taro's and kissed the side of his head gently every now and again. They both were blushing and had messy hair. Taro just stared at their feet with dulled eyes.



"We need to figure out who started all this...and ruin them..."

"Taro, let's...not... This isn't like you."

"No, I'm tired of this..."

"let's just stay here...You were right... Maybe we just shouldn't go back for a while... J-Just have everyone calmed down for a while..." Budo said. Taro looked at him as soon as he stuttered.

"I know you're upset... Why won't you admit you're upset..."

"I am... but... I'm just trying not to let it destroy me is all..." Budo said. He took a pause before slowly burying his face in Taro's neck. He sniffled and attempted to hold the rest in. Taro hugged him tight, "I don't know what I did to upset whoever started this...I really don't..."

"It's okay, Budo... we'll find them, stop them, and beat their faces in..."

"No... Let's just leave I-...Taro? Are you alright?..." Budo stopped, noticing Taro's face. His eyes made his skin tingle. They weren't the soft doe eyes he were used to seeing. They were empty shells. Budo just placed his hands on Taro's shoulders.

"I-I am so s-SICK of-"


"We're going tomorrow to confront them..."

"Taro...What are you going to do..." Budo glared at him. Taro stayed silent. He stood up and exited the room. Budo jumped up and quickly followed.

"Taro... We're not going!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday Morning...

It was 7:15 am. Ayano was alone in the Audiovisual room looking at a white board with plans written all over it. They were random, in different colors, and slightly unrelated. The most recent plans were written in an unreadable language. Ayano was erratically tapping her marker against her face, marking her face with red ink. Her patience was running out.

"Nothing is working......nothing is working......" She dropped her marker. She stood for a moment before falling to her knees. She curled up into a ball on the ground.

"He......will never love me... It's too late...No matter what I throw at them...No matter what I ruin Budo's life... to kill him... to have him show his worst side to make him look weak.... Taro always stayed by his side... why?... He can't leave me... I can't let this continue... Kizana has to die and so does Budo..." She stood up.

Kizana entered the room and closed the door behind her. She looked at Ayano.

"Why hello, darling~ where are the rest?" Kizana asked. Ayano looked over her shoulder, then turned to face the croissant haired girl. Kizana stared back intensely with a strange smile. They both locked eyes with yin yang expressions on their faces.

"....You...need to stop...or I will have no choice but to get rid of you..."

"Hmhmhm~ You're not taking away this clout, Ayano... I'll do whatever I want~"

"QUIT....... IT....."

"You do  a n y t h i n g   to me and my family, and I will make sure to tell everyone at school about this plan, and spread rumors about YOU this time~"

"You wouldn't want to do that..."

"And why not? Have you been here for the last few weeks or so?" Kizana walked toward Ayano, "everyone believes even the dumbest things that I say~ You don't have power over me anymore... now stay behind, child~ I have another show to perform at the fountain.~" Kizana turned and walked to the door. Ayano quickly yanked onto her hair and pulled her close. Kizana was still smirking which caused her to stop.

"Why are you still smiling...."

"Because, I'm not alone in this~"

"What?...Tell me who else... Or are you lying..." Ayano said. 

"Shhhhh~" Kizana placed a finger to her mouth and giggled. She freed herself from Ayano's grip and walked to the door . She stopped and looked back to give Ayano a smirk. A twisted smirk from the new found power she now has over Ayano and the entire school. She then sprinted off. Ayano went after her immediately. They both glided down the stairs from how fast they went. Ayano reached her arm out for Kizana as they ran, but she was always an inch too far away. Both breathing hard, they quickly met up at the fountain. Ayano stopped by the door as soon as she saw all the students at the fountain waiting for their news story of today. Kizana stopped running and walked over to the group confidently.

"Oh look at this, more news had popped up!" Kizana announced. Ayano took a few steps back wide eyed.

"What have I done?.." Ayano thought.

 "It turns out that Budo and Taro won't be coming to school anymore!~ They're scared of what people will think about their scandal with a few students here~"

The students' eyes widened. They looked among themselves to see who could be supporting the boys. Ayano crept back and turned toward the entrance. She saw Taro and Budo walking toward the school. Taro had a bat in hand. Confused, Ayano quickly went into one of the nearby first year classrooms. The boys entered the school and headed into the fountain area, already seeing that the door was opened. The students stopped and looked at who was present. 

Authors Note: If you made it this far, thank you for reading! tell me what you think of the story so far in the comments, or if you're shy, a vote is appreciated too~

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