Chapter 4 - Your Task

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*Thursday Morning*

At around 7:00 am the next morning, Budo and Taro were heading to the roof to spend time together. They sat where Taro usually has lunch. They were both still speechless from the night before and were struggling to look each other in the eyes.


"You don't need to apologize..." Taro muttered softly, "Uh... Budo?..."


"Is it bad that... I don't feel guilty about that?" He glanced at Budo. Budo glanced back, "It was actually nice..." He felt his face heat up instantly.

Budo took another chance and got closer to him. Their noses touched. Taro gave little kisses to Budo's lips. Budo sat there, allowing Taro to kiss him and occasionally giving small kisses back. He couldn't move. Midori looked up from her phone and saw Taro and Budo basically cuddling at this point.

"I wonder how long they've been together," She thought, "Do they have a ship name? What is their ship name?...Hmm... I wonder when the first ship was built. What did the first ship look like?" She continued to ask questions until one word drove her to a new topic over and over again.... The boys saw Midori and quickly stopped. Budo rubbed the back of his head.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Osana was on her way to the Audiovisual Room. She hated how loud her footsteps felt in this quiet hall. She looked around and saw Oka a foot or two behind her. They looked at each other since they noticed that they were headed the same way.

"Audiovisual room?...." Osana whispered hesitantly. Oka looked at her.

"...H-How did you know?...."

"Uh..." Osana remembered that she was not suppose to tell anyone about it. Oka covered her mouth gingerly since she also remembered. Kizana was already near the room and saw the other two walking down the hall. The other two met up with her there.

"Which one of you want to talk to me? If you harm anyone of my family members, I will sue your family into poverty!" Kizana whispered harshly.

"We didn't call you here... We were requested here as well... with the same stakes..." Oka responded.

"Well, whoever did, I have no time for this! I-"


A voice said within the room. The three of them paused, then entered the dark room. Kizana closed the door behind them. There were towels covering the glass on the doors and walls, and most of the computer monitors were on to provide a little light within the room. The other 3 were already present in the room already with one tall one in the corner by herself. The only thing heard within the room was the sound of multiple computers humming.

Ayano was standing before them in the middle of the semicircle. The rest of the group contained Osoro, Asu, and Amai, who was shivering with her basket of cookies. Osoro was eating one of the cookies in the corner since she was offered one earlier.

"You're late..." She said, showing that the time was 7:02am.

"Ayano?...." Oka said, "Why... have you called upon us?..."

"Yeah... What's the deal?..." Osoro mumbled from the corner.

"I need you all for a task..." she started, "I believe we all have a mutual interest in Taro... The boy from class 3-2..."

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now