Chapter 10 - Down

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It was 8:15 am, and the boys were walking to school together late. They both barely got any sleep last night and were full of yawns. When they finally did sleep, they overslept. Osoro saw them arriving from afar and motioned the rest of the delinquents to follow her. Both groups met up around the front of the school. The delinquents blocked their way into the school doors. Taro and Budo backed up and looked at the group.

"Uh hey there... Can we help you?" Budo asked. The group didn't respond. One guy went up to him and threw a punch at Budo's face. Budo shook his head and glared at the delinquent. He growled and threw a punch back. Taro just looked at the last of Budo's patience wither. The delinquents simultaneously latched onto Budo and started throwing punches and swinging their weapons.

"HEY." Taro yelled and pushed a delinquent away. Osoro yanked him up by the collar. Budo kneed a delinquent in the gut and dropped him to the ground. He kicked another hard in the jaw and that one fell too. A female delinquent came up from behind and restricted his arms. Another group member came up and was about to swing her crowbar at his face.

"LET GO!" Taro was shaking around, trying to get out of Osoro's grip. Osoro would rather do this to Ayano, but couldn't. She was trying to keep an angry face. Budo freed himself from the girl's grip and pushed her onto the ground. Budo stopped and tried to take his breath. His nose was bleeding. He was lightheaded. As soon as he went to free Taro, a male delinquent suckerpunched him. Budo fell to the floor unconscious. Taro's eyes widened and he kicked Osoro in the knee hard. She dropped him immediately. He had hit a sensitive spot.

"AAGH!" Osoro dropped and held her knee. Taro looked at one of the bats on the floor and picked one up. The surviving delinquents went after him. He swung his bat at one of their heads and he fell to the ground. A few dots of blood were on the concrete. The surviving delinquents stopped and looked at what Taro did. They went to help the members that were down.

"We'll get you later..." One told him. Taro dropped the bat and went to Budo's side. He shook his face a bit trying to wake him.

"Budo!... Budo! Wake up!..." Taro panicked. Budo didn't budge. He lied face down on the ground. Kizana and Ayano saw from the front door . Kizana smiled and went on her phone to tell Midori via text that Budo lost a fight. She knew that Midori would go around sharing the information. Ayano just looked at the fight, finding it bittersweet.

"I'm glad Budo is hurt, but it seemed to make Taro like him even more...Even though he lost..." Ayano thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday Afternoon... 

Oka was walking around the hall during lunch. She wasn't on her way to the Occult Club room since she knew they would have questions about her disappearance. She stopped at the sight of Budo and Taro in the infirmary.

"Sh-Should I even?...." She asked herself. She sighed and took a picture of them anyway. She sent the picture to the group chat. Osana looked at the photo and almost dropped her phone.

"HUH? WHAT HAPPENED?" She thought but couldn't send. Asu, Amai, Kizana and Osoro looked at the message. Osoro immediately turned her phone off and placed it back in her pocket. Ayano looked at the message and was the only one to respond.

"Good. Amai, you're up..." Ayano messaged. Amai was standing in the Cooking Club room. She looked at the phone on the counter and was standing stiffly with a bowl of soup wide eyed. She looked at her kitchen utensils tearfully. She apologizes quietly to a pan and proceeded to leave the room. In a few minutes, Amai showed up at the infirmary and saw Taro hugging onto Budo. Budo was now awake and was feeling through Taro's hair. He had a black eye and a bloody nose. Taro kissed his nose which Budo winces from. She started blinking frequently. She mustered up the confidence to go in with a smile. Taro looked toward the door.

"Helloooo! Uh, I heard that you were h-hurt, Budo, s-so I made you some soup to keep your spirits up, and to feel better," Amai said aloud, "End my suffering..." She secretly thought.

Taro stared at her intensely, noticing her broken smile. He was asking himself how she knew about all this, but then thought back to the rumors. Budo sat up and took the bowl of soup. He still saw some good in humanity.

"Thank you," He said back weakly. The weakness in his voice caused Amai to place a hand over her chest. She rushed out of the infirmary, closing the door behind her...

"This will all turn out fine... this will all turn out fine..." She said to herself...

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now