Chapter 22 - Run With Me

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*Friday Afternoon*

Taro and Budo were packing up their stuff to go to the destination Taro had in mind. Budo was confused on where he was taking them both, but decided to trust him. Taro was packing fast, while Budo took his time.

"Why are you packing so fast?" Budo asked. Taro just looked at him.

"I want to be out as soon as possible."

"Aren't you worried about not graduating?..." Budo asked. Taro smiled a bit and paced around the room slowly.

"Seeeeeee what necessarily does society mean byyyy.... G r a d u a t i n g?"

"Tarooooo..." Budo chuckled. Taro could only give a smile back.

"See, school doesn't actually measure your intelligence aaaaaand-"

"What is your parents going to say when they noticed we're missing? What about money?"

"I'm gonna leave them a neat little letter explaining everything. Also I still have a lot of money on me anyway. We're rich remember?" He clasped his hands together. Budo looked at him as if he was insane.


"Loooove you~" Taro smiled at him lovingly, " I told you that the school wasn't gonna separate us! We win! Now pack."


"Pack." Taro kissed him on the nose and went back to his bags. Budo flinched and immediately started packing his bags again. There was a knock on the door. Taro quickly shoved his and Budo's bags in the closet and went to open the door causally. It was Hanako. She sniffled.

"Big brother," She sniffled, "I smell betrayal and money... what's going on..." She sniffled again. Taro looked to the side and back at Hanako.

"Weeell..." Taro started, "Me and Budo are going out for a while." He smiled.

"Like a date?"


Hanako stared at him, not believing a word. She narrowed her eyes while Taro felt himself sweating on his forehead. He proceeded to slowly close the door.

"Okay goodbyyyyyyye...." He closed the door and locked it. He looked over to Budo who was looking back at him in shock.

"W-we...are gonna visit her...right?..." Budo asked.

"Yep," Taro responded smiling, "Ooooonce the house is set up." Budo's eyes widened.

"You found a legitimate place to stay?"

"Yup! We can move in as soon as possible!" Taro hugged Budo tight. Budo felt like he was responsible for Taro's sudden change and was a little nervous. However, he loved Taro just as much and hugged him back. He rested his head against Taro's. He didn't think that running away was the answer, but if it meant a lot to Taro, he was willing to do so. He can't go back to school anyway...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday Night/Saturday Morning

As soon as 3 am hit, Taro and Budo had grabbed their bags. Budo wondered how to get the bags downstairs quietly, knowing that they would create a lot of noise. Taro opened the windows and proceeded to shove the bags through it. Budo watched Taro's bag fall to the ground and flinched at the boom sound it made, scaring off various animals. Budo covered his mouth, trying not to laugh at what Taro had done. Taro proceeded to casually place the other one through the window. Budo tried to stop him.

"Taro! Taro!..." he whispered amused, " of my trophies are in here and I don't know how-" The bag slid out the window and fell to the ground below, creating another obnoxious boom. Budo just covered his face while Taro tried to climb out the window himself. Budo's eyes widened and he pulled Taro back into the room.

"What," Taro asked quietly.

"NO!" Budo whispered back. Taro deadpanned and headed for the door quietly. Budo closed the door behind them gingerly, and tiptoed down the stairs with Taro. Taro placed a note on the kitchen counter and Budo just shook his head at his antics. They both went through the door in the kitchen that lead to the backyard and grabbed their bags. Once they grabbed them, they headed to the street and Taro checked the instructions he had written. He ran northward and Budo ran with him, feeling his heart beating from this life changing event.

Info Chan was up late and was looking out of her bedroom window. She saw Taro and Budo running down the road with their bags in hand. She smirked a bit and couldn't wait to tell Ayano the news next Monday, if Ayano showed up to school that is.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                                                             *                *                *

Around the early morning, there was a light sun-shower.Taro and Budo had made it to the house in a neighboring town to Buraza.  The place they made it to was rather run down, but with a few fixes here and there, the house could be brand new. They both were tired, but the cold pokes from the small raindrops were keeping them up. Taro walked onto the porch and placed his bags down. Budo looked at the broken, yet still stable abandoned house. The whole neighborhood seemed rather quiet at this hour, except for the trees and wind.

Budo was wondering how this was even possible, as if Taro just found a hidden section of the country, like hidden country land. They lived in the city.... He sat with him on the porch. They exchanged a look and leaned against each other, heads touching as they listened to their natural surroundings. Budo looked at Taro lovingly and began to blush from where they were, and why they were here. A different plan, yet the same dream.

Budo slowly placed a kissed on Taro's lips and Taro hugged around Budo's neck, giving back a kiss with equal gentleness. They both were tired, so Taro proceeded to break the lip lock and give Budo gentle kisses around his head, while Budo kissed around Taro's neck. Taro placed a hand on Budo's face and snuggled him while Budo buried his face in Taro's neck. Taro removed Budo's Martial Arts headband and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I know this is crazy, but just bare with me..." Taro whispered.

"I know....I trust you..."

They managed to survive an evil girls plans to shake their relationship... Friendships were lost... People were scarred.... But in the end, they made it, and that's all that mattered to them in this brand new place they would soon call home...

~The End~

-Author's Note- Thank you for reading my story~ If you wish to see a sequel to the good ending referring to 4-15 years into the future, let me know. Whatever age their kids are, I can do. Mwah~

Edit: 1/6/2019: I have written a midway story between this story and the proper sequel. It's called Hacking Info and if you want to know what happens to Ayano after this ending, here ya go. Yes Budo and Taro will show up briefly: 

🌸Hacking Info {Ayano x Info} 

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now