Chapter 7- Something's Off

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*Friday Morning*

The mood of the school shifted when they arrived at school today. Everyone, especially the boys at the fountain, seemed more talkative than usual. The conversations didn't seem like the natural topics that the group's usually spoke of. The boys often talked about the girls, memes and sports, while the girls often talked other girls, the ghost in the bathroom, and their after-school plans. Taro noticed that both groups today had similar themes in their conversation, but in two different lights. The girls seem to be adoring in a teasing fashion, while the boys seem to be speaking in a mocking manner. When the boys got near the fountain, the conversations lowered in volume.

Taro and Budo sat by the fountain. Budo cracked a smile since he felt like he was invited into Taro's special space. He then caught looks from the group of boys next to him. They moved away from him. Budo never seen people at school actively avoid him like that. He checked his clothes and saw nothing. Taro felt as if eyes were watching them. He stood up and looked at Budo.

"Hey, can we go somewhere else?..." Taro asked Budo.

"Yeah, I don't mind. Where?"


Budo stood up and led Taro to the Martial arts room. Kizana appeared from behind the fountain and snickered at her work today.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In 5 minutes, Taro and Budo were in the Martial Arts Club explaining what happened to the group.

"And everyone was just acting ... strange... I never felt so uncomfortable at that fountain besides when that one girl stands too close to me sometimes..." Taro said.

"Uh... about that," Mina started, "We have no idea how, but....there's been rumors spread around about you guys since you two started hanging out..."

"Rumors? About what? What could they possibly have to talk about?!"

"Well... One I'd like to say congratulations on your relationship, and we support you," She said with a smile. Taro's eyes widened.


"Well first of all, it's not that hard to put two and two together. Second of all, almost everyone is talking about it...and we do NOT believe the bad stuff that was said. We know that stuff is fake."

"Huh?? What's fake? What are people saying?" Taro asked. He was panicking now. Budo stared stiffly as if he was going to be sick. He kept a slight smile on his face to show that he's definitely okay right now.

"Well, one stupid rumor is that you two are together for money. Another is that Budo's interest in Martial Arts is fake, which is terribly untrue... Then there's... Budo are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good just do me a favor."


"Never talk about this."

The group stared at him.

"What?! But-"

"My dad can NOT know about this... At least not yet... and I know eventually these things spread in the strangest ways. Just.. please..." Budo pleaded. Mina just stared. The group never seen him so off.

"U-uh...alright.. just.. promise us you'll be okay regardless..."

"I'll be fine..." Budo nodded. The expression on his face proved that this was in fact a lie.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Meanwhile in the Audiovisual room, the girls were discussing their progress. Amai had bags under her eyes and was shivering like a chihuahua. Osana was looking at her own feet, trying to get the courage to speak up about her progress.

"Alright, hear this~ Budo..... Is actually an ex convict! Huh? Huh?~ I know it's a stretch, but with enough storytelling skills, I think it could sell~" Kizana said. She smiled proud of herself.

"That...actually sounds awful..." Osoro commented.

"I know right?~" Kizana smiled.

"No. I mean only an idiot would believe that..."

"Well darling, they believed the story that he wasn't into Martial Arts, so it's not entirely impossible..."

"She's right...The vast majority of students here aren't truly  the brightest... It's a stretch, but it could probably work..." Ayano commented. Osoro just rolled her eyes and Ayano caught it, "At least she's making an effort for her life..."

"You won't even be able to touch me..." Osoro threatened.

"I'll be the sole judge of that..."

"Um...guys... I have a confession to make..." Osana interrupted. The girls looked at her, giving their attention.

"I believe you have several confessions..." Ayano said.


"Oh nothing."

"Uh.. Well anyway... I...didn't tell Budo's dad yesterday...I really tried but just couldn't!" She felt tears forming. Ayano groaned and made Osana face her.

"You really just don't care, do you?!"

"I do care! I do! It's...I-" Osana could barely form a sentence with Ayano's deep glaring.

"Do it tonight..." Ayano said. She let go of her, "The meeting is over. Go to class... and remember-"

"We know... don't tell anyone..." Osoro said.

"Very good~" Ayano waved to them while they left to class. Ayano pulled out a chair and sat in a seat by a computer. The computer screen she was sitting at turned black with a pair of red classes.

"Having fun I see," Info Chan said. Ayano looked up at the screen.

"This could...actually work... dumb students + dumb girls +dumb rumors-"

"Is the perfect tried and true recipe for disaster~ And you don't even have to move a muscle~"

Ayano smirked at how well things were going for her. She rested her head on her folded hands.

"But I'll admit... things are kinda boring when I'm not doing any of the work..."

"Trust me... With the other people after Taro, you will need to save your energy for them..."


"Trust me... Get the easy ones out of the way first with this plan... You'll need all the rest you can get..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Around 8:25am, Budo and Taro got to class and was stopped by a few notes on Budo's desk. They were mainly about their relationship. However, there wasn't many. Just four. Oka was already in class and looked back to see Taro and Budo. She immediately turned back around toward her phone. Her eyes were wide open. Budo looked at the messages, questioning if they were actually there, or if he was just paranoid. Taro read the awful messages and groaned.

"Who are the low lives that wrote this?..." Taro said. Budo sighed.

"Don't worry about it too much..."

"No seriously!"

"Taro... Let it go for right now..."

Taro sighed and went to his desk.

"If I was that kind of person, I'd definitely fight them..."

Oka was shivering and threw her pen out the window. She was one of the four writers. She shivered, wishing that class would just start already. This plan had messed with her sleep, and club leader duties. She knew she had a lot to explain later on. 

"Karma...I know I have wronged... but please... s-spare me..." She thought in her mind.

The pen she through landed on one of the student council member's head. She flinched and looked upward.

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now