Chapter 2-2 After School

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It was almost the end of cleaning time when Taro went to the roof to answer his phone.

"You better not be late, Taro!"

"I know, I know..."

"This place is about to open and I want to go to the grand opening! They give out stuff for free to the first 30 people!" Osana was on the west side of the school, scaring the kitten by the bushes next to her.

"When was I ever late to anything?" A hint of annoyance was present in Taro's voice.

"Well.... Not really often... But... I want you to be on time.. I want to go out with you today... HN! Not like that! Just!.. Going out to this cafe I've been waiting to go to! Don't be stupid..."

"I...Didn't assume that was the case but alright..."

"Well... Don't mess this up for me with your pickiness... I want them to have a good first impression of us!" She was walking in circles struggling to keep her composure. Taro just glared at the phone.

"Well first of all, YOU'RE the picky one. Second of all, when have I been the one to give a bad impression? You're always the loud one in public...and why are you always so angry with me?..."

The other line went silent for a second.

"W-well... I.... may uh... D-DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. Just be there!" Her breathing could be heard over the phone. At this point, Taro was fed up with this attitude all the time. He thought about the offer the Martial Arts Club presented him earlier.

"Uh, actually Osana... I actually have to stay after school today..."

"W-what?..." She clenched her phone, almost turning it off.

"Yeah, I have... extra homework to do... so I reaaally have to go do that...Uh see ya, Osana."

"But... we don't have homework today! Are you lying to me? Who's going to go with me? I don't want to show up alone!"

"Take Hanako." He hung up and made his way back to the Martial Arts room. Osana just looked at her phone.

"D-Did I do something?..." She thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The group was practicing a few moves when Taro entered. Taro looked at the group and gave a little wave.

"Hey," He smiled. Shima heard his voice and immediately messed up mid kick. She went into a split and pulled on to Mina to save herself. They fell down with an 'Oof.' Budo looked toward the door and his eyes widened slightly.

"Hey uh," Taro closed the door, "Plans got cancelled, so I'm able to hang out with you guys," He smiled brightly, "Unless you're busy now-"

"STAY!" Shima blurted out. Taro flinched from what appeared to be a threat. Budo smiled at him, feeling joy from the moment.

Neither boy knew that this was the start of something new, beautiful, 

and potentially dangerous... 

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now