Chapter 3- Well That's Weird

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*~The Following Wednesday After School~*

For the past few days, Taro had both stayed over at the Martial Arts Club room, and went out walking and talking with the group, mostly Budo. He actually felt comfortable for once, and was glad Budo invited him over. He couldn't stop smiling around him. He almost felt stupid for it. He could tell Budo didn't mind. They were talking when Budo paused for a moment. Taro stopped as well. His smile disappeared.

"So Taro, we've been hanging out after school for a few days and... Wanna go to my house today?" Budo asked. Taro looked around and smiled. 

"Sounds like a plan," He nodded, "I'll just have to let my family know ahead of time." The both of them exchanged a smile and walked in the direction of Budo's home.

Not too far away, Ayano was watching the exchange from the lockers. She stared intensely at her senpai walking away with Budo of all people at school. It was unusual...

" he doing?...." She thought to herself, "They know each other? Since when?... Why are you going to his house?" She was stiff since she expected him to be with Osana around this time. Info Chan was watching on the school cameras from the Info Club Room, amused that Ayano finally noticed the change of events.

"You've been slacking on getting rid of Osana for me lately...Perhaps I should have fun today~" She thought. She took out her phone and texted Ayano.

"Hey~" Ayano checked her phone and deadpanned.


"I see that you finally caught on with what's going on with Taro?" Info Chan smirked and pressed send. Ayano glared at the text.

"What do you mean?"

"About why Budo and Taro have been hanging out for the past week?" Ayano's heart dropped.

"A week?... What do you mean a week?..."

"While you were busy making traps for Osana, at snail's pace I might add, Taro hasn't been hanging out with her at all! Him and Budo connected last Thursday~"


"I may have a hypothesis on why~"

"Tell me.... Tell me now..."

"Budo has taken a liking to Taro. Like, a reeeeaaal liking to him~"

Ayano stopped to comprehend the text. Budo? She thought. Taro is a loner, so for him to accept his friendship so quickly threw Ayano off. She then assumed the worst and wanted to deny it...

"You...are a liar..."

"And you're desperate... Can you really afford not to believe me right now? I have cameras all around the school. They've been in the Martial Arts Club room talking for the past few days."

"What do I do?..." Info chan chuckled at the message and spun in her chair.

"That's what I'm asking you~"


Ayano began to pace around in circles by her locker, holding her head. She was internally panicking. The space around her began to warp in color and vibrate. The everyday sounds of reality went straight to a blur.

"Oh no... Oh no, oh no! What if Taro likes him back? How is there going to be a secret rival?? He snuck up on me out of nowhere!.... This is what happens when I keep my eyes off of him for a day! For now on, I need to keep my eyes on  h i m ... A T   A L L -"

An obnoxious laugh stopped Ayano's train of thought abruptly. Her vision came back into focus and she could hear her surroundings properly. Ayano peaked through the glass door to see Kizana and Musume talking to the left of the doors.

"It's just really been getting on my nerves! I was planning to confess to him last Friday, but he was too busy with that karate idiot!" Kizana pouted while fanning herself since it was hot today.

"Oh wow...that's sooooooo crazy how he just made friends with him like that...mmmmn..." Musume was playing with her hair while popping gum. She was thinking about if her boots came in the mail yet, "I guess nice guys click or whatever." She blew a bubble and popped it with one of her nails.

"Well darling, they better not click too much or else I'll have a real problem... Oh if there was a way to just...Ya know...Separate them so that senpai falls into my arms~" She hugged the air.

"Weeell I wish you goood luck with that becauuuuse... Taro is sooo boring!" She laughed. Kizana smirked.

"Oh hush!~ He won't be boring once he's with me~"

Ayano groaned from disgust at the conversation and ducked back into the school. She had to rest her head against the wall.

"Why... Why is many of you...disgusting girls after him?.... There's too many of you to get by myself... Especially since more of you can just.....appear..." She looked off feeling a bit defeated. Her eyes then widened from the idea that popped into her brain, "What if... I get them to eliminate Budo for me first?....Then if Taro gets mad, I can... rat them all out to him, and eliminate them all at once? I'm willing to try anything right now..."

She took out her phone and messaged Info chan about the plan she had. Info Chan reviewed the plan, thinking that it has a slim chance of working, but just wanted to see how things could get worse.

"I need the numbers of every girl that likes Taro," Ayano texted back.

"Interesting plan you have here..." Info Chan rolled her eyes and looked through her files. She sent Ayano 7 numbers.

"These are the girls at school that like Taro romantically. Go to the back of the school. I will provide you with a new phone so they can't track your real one if things go downhill...You'll need to catch it..."

Ayano sprinted to the back of the school as fast as possible. When she got there, the phone hit her on the head while running. She fell down a bit shaken from the sudden hit and crawled over to pick up the phone. She glared at the screen intensely. The phone was shaking in her hands.

" I know what I have to do...

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now