Chapter 15 - Did Not Go as Planned...

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Wednesday Evening...

After school, Budo separated ways from Taro after a goodbye kiss and headed to his own home. Oka was on her way to Budo's house after hearing that Osana finally told. She followed at a respectable distance. By the time Budo got home, Oka went to hide in the bushes. Budo unlocked the door and got into his house looking around. He took his shoes off. Oka found a window to the living room and looked through it. Budo's father was sitting on the couch.

"Put your shoes back on..." His father told him.


"No. I heard some things about you today..." He said. Budo froze at that sentence.

"What did you hear?"

"You know you're my only son... You know this and-"

"Look, Dad-"

"DON'T TELL ME TO LOOK." The large man stood up quickly.

Oka looked at the shout match, shrinking back. She didn't hear anything, but could tell what was going on. The argument ended with his father pointing toward the stairs. Budo ran upstairs afterward. Oka waited for him to come back downstairs, while Budo's dad pulled out his phone and called someone. After 15 minutes, Budo came back downstairs with two black luggage bags and walked out of the door. Oka ducked down. Budo headed up the road breathing heavily. She followed him to wherever he was going, trying to keep up with him. She took out her phone and took a picture.

They ended up at Taro's house. Budo rang the doorbell, unsure of how to explain what just happened. He was shaking a bit. Taro answered the door and smiled at Budo. He then looked down at the bags and frowned.

"Uhm..." Budo started. He slightly bowed. "I need a place to stay."

"Why? What happened?" Taro asked. His heart sped up.

"My father somehow heard about us. longer wants anything to do with me. He won't let me stay in the house, nor will he continue to pay for me to go to school..."

Taro just stared at him in silence. Budo looked as if he was holding onto any dignity he had left.

"I know that we've only been together for almost 2 weeks, and I know this is a lot to ask of me right now... but I wish to stay with you. At least until I can get a place of my own... I'll get a job so that I'm not just living off of your family..."

Taro narrowed his brows. He just ignored the second half of that with a head shake and immediately pulled him into his house. He closed the door.

"Budo, of course you can stay over. I just have to ask my parents first. If they say no, I'm keeping you here anyway." Taro said and hugged him tight. Budo kissed him on the forehead and rested his forehead against it.

Oka took out her phone and opened the main group chat. She sighed and texted the group. She mentally prepared for how Ayano would react.

"Hey guys...I don't think I want to be in this group anymore... I don't want Karma to harm me, and things are going way too far in this..."

"What happened? What is Taro and Budo doing?" Ayano texted.

"Budo can't stay in his house anymore." Oka replied. Osana looked at the message and dropped the chips she had in hand.

"Oh?" Ayano texted back. She was smirking.

"Yes. I believe he's moving in with Taro."

Ayano suddenly narrowed her brows. She could hear straining violins in her ears. Her eyes widened and her hands began to shake violently. The world just tinted red.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed within her kitchen.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Info Chan was laughing in her room harder than she has ever laughed in her life at what she just read in the chat. Ayano grabbed her phone and texted back.

"We need to take it to the next level..."

"Uh, actually Ayano....You guys can keep him... I don't want to interfere with them anymore..." Oka messaged.

"Are you really quitting now?..."

"They seem pretty cute together."

"...Don't say that..."

"Well, I'm willing to keep quiet about everything I know about the group... as if I've never were here... Good luck... I guess..." Oka messaged and placed her phone back in her coat pocket. Ayano groaned, but at least that was one girl off the list regardless.

"Uh I would like to do the same." Amai messaged. Ayano deadpanned.

"Fine. You're dismissed as long as you stay away from Taro..."

"I want nothing to do with him..."


Amai was in her kitchen looking at one of the bread knives she had. She just got done baking a whole loaf. She smiled at the fact that she wasn't in the group anymore. She then stabbed herself in the gut, and slowly felt to the floor, still with a smile on her face.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Taro's parents were staring dead at him from what he just asked of them. They were lost and didn't know what to say.

"Please mom and dad? He really needs a place to stay."

"I promise to get a job... just please... I need somewhere."

Hanako overheard the conversation and stormed downstairs. She marched into the room red faced.


His parents just looked at him again. Taro was looking at Hanako's neck, wanting to strangle her.

"You...didn't trust us enough to tell us this?" His mother asked.

"I didn't want you to get mad and..."

"Taro, we will always love you regardless," His mother told him, "Enough with that nonsense..."

"So he can stay?" Taro asked. Mr. and Mrs. Yamada looked at each other then at Budo.

"Well... Alright, but just for a little while."

"Thank you so much," Budo bowed to them.

"Come on, Budo. Let's get you unpacked," Taro tugged on Budo's arm. Budo followed him upstairs. He smiled at Taro, already feeling welcomed in his home. 

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now