Chapter 13 - It's Nothing.

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Taro had just entered school with Budo. Budo's dad forced him to go today. Budo unlocked his locker and a bunch of notes fell out. He picked them up and glanced at a few of them, reading the horrible comments about him and Taro. His breath shortened a little bit, but he was mostly alright. He saw a comment about him losing the fight from yesterday morning and felt his chest tense up. Taro looked over to him after changing his shoes and went to pick up a few of the notes. He growled at the contents and took the rest of the notes before Budo could read them all. He walked to the science room and Budo followed him. When they got there, Taro grabbed a mini blow torch.

"What are you doing?" Budo asked.

Fifteen minutes later, Budo watched a bunch of burning notes float in the school's swimming pool. Taro was blowtorching the notes and dropping them in the pool, pretending that the notes were the people who wrote them. Taro looked toward Budo and saw the look on his face.

"Sorry..." Taro said.

"I know... you just care..."

Budo wrapped his arms around him and kissed Taro's forehead. Asu caught them in the middle of her jog around the school and saw that smoke was coming from the pool. Asu frowned and continued to jog, wanting to keep that sight to herself.

~~~ ~~~

Meanwhile, Ayano and Amai were in the Cooking Club room. She was teaching Amai how to sneak emetic poison in food without people knowing. Amai was shivering. Her eyes were still blank. She had zero sleep.

"And that's basically how you do it. Easy." Ayano said. "Any questions? Amai...."

"W-what is m-my life?"

"I'd answer, but I still need you on this team..." Ayano replied.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In class, Budo looking at his desk. It had more notes written on it. He just covered the notes with his books and just lied his head down. He was tired and drained. Taro looked at him and retreated to his mind.

"What if this goes too far?...What if this really destroys him?...Perhaps... I should look to matters that are...a little more extreme... Maybe not death or anything but... maybe a break from school?" His thought was interrupted by Budo just laying there still as a rock with his face covered. He sniffled which got a snicker out of two students near him.

"Silence," the student council member in that class said politely. The students behaved. Taro was now rethinking about the extremeness of his decision.

Once lunch came around, Taro and Budo were sitting on the roof again. Taro kept his eyes on everyone, including Midori. Osana was given the task of distracting them. She went up to the roof and looked at Taro.

"H-Hey Taro," Osana said nervously. Taro looked at her and smiled a bit. She was the first person he was planning on explaining fully to about their relationship.

"Hey Osana..." He said a bit saddened. "I already know you know about the rumors, huh..."

"Yeah... I'm aware... I mean don't worry I don't hate you or anything. That would be dumb...just... shocked is all.."

"Well.. Just know that whatever you heard, most of those things are lies. The only thing that's true is that..."He paused in the middle of it.

"I'm aware..." Osana said. She was so tempted to back out right now, but she was too scared of Ayano's 'or else'.

"Well.. All I can say is-" She walked and purposely tripped on Budo's shoe. She fell on the floor and actually scraped her knee.

"OWOWOW!" she hugged her knee. She didn't mean to actually injure herself. Taro got up and went to her.

"Osana, are you okay??" He asked. Amai crept from one of the doors and dropped a few drops of emetic poison into Budo's food while he was occupied with the sight of Osana. She then immediately left the area slowly. She felt like she lost her soul to Ayano. After Osana saw that Amai left, she immediately got up teary eyed, feeling her knee demonstrate the effects of fire.

"Budo and I can get you to the nurse," Taro said. Osana shook her head.

"Uh, I don't need your help. I can get up by myself! I'm not w-weak...Stupid..."

"...Are you sure? Your knee looks terrible!"

"Stop knee shaming, Taro! I know it looks bad. I'll be fine! Just go back to what you were doing!"

"Knee shaming?..."

"EDUCATE YOURSELF, TARO." She said sweating, then limped off as fast as she could, feeling dumb from what she just said. Taro just stood there puzzled and went back to Budo.

"What is going on here?..." Taro asked.

"Not sure, but I'm just gonna hope for the best... and eat my food... I worked up an appetite since yesterday..." Budo said. Taro smiled at the news that Budo will eat again. This was very short lived...

No less than 7 minutes later, Budo was back sick in the bathroom. It was even worse now since Amai added a lot more emetic poison. The nurse was with him wondering was bug was in him. Taro was standing outside of the bathroom wide eyed.

"Can't be distracted again..." Taro thought.

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now