Chapter 20 - Two Way Hunting

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Ayano was in the Audiovisual room rummaging through her weapons bag. She then remembered the knife she had Osana touch. The perfect weapon. She placed her gloves on and she picked up the knife. Info Chan was in the Info Club Room, watching peacefully.

"Ayano..." Ayano looked around for Info Chan on one of the computer screens.


"There may have been a detail I left out..."

"What do you mean?..."

"See... I may or may not have known that this plan was destined for failure..."

"....Are you serious?... MY SENPAI HATES ME NOW."

"You were pretty much destined not to have him, Ayano... Please just give up..." Ayano eventually found the computer Info Chan was on and glared at it.

"I thought you were going to support me in return of getting rid of Osana..."

"Well, yes... but..." She paused, "I guess this...trauma from the plan will be enough to not only harm her in the long term, but also get my newspaper selling for a few weeks or so." Info Chan said.  Ayano narrowed her eyes.

"What are you hiding?...."

"I have a lot of things that I have not told the public."

"Info Chan.... Seriously. What are you hiding?"

"Ayano...I suggest you stop worrying about me and find a place to hide... Taro is well...almost like you in this state....but for Budo of course." Ayano glared and looked into the hall from the door. She heard running footsteps. The other door opened and Taro walked in along with Budo. Ayano stared at him.

"HOW DARE YOU," Taro yelled and swung his bat at her. Ayano ducked and ran out of the room. She darted down the hallway and down the stairs. Taro ran after her and Budo followed.

"Do I let him do this, or stop him?!" Budo thought. Multiple thoughts raced through his mind as he ran down the halls. He wanted peace, but what Ayano did was unjust.

Ayano was rather quick, so she made it down to the first floor. She ran into the fountain area again and darted straight through the group. The group looked at Ayano pass through them with shoves. Ayano ran into the Occult club and saw Oka in the corner. Oka stared at her.

"Plan failed." Ayano said to her. She was twitching. Oka held her hands up in a cowardly defense.

"I-...." Oka was mainly speechless. Ayano could hear Taro yelling for her name from far away. She went to stab Oka, but Oka ducked down and crawled under her legs. She ran out of the room and to the back of the school. Oka headed for the maze. The rest of the Occult Club ran with Oka. One of the members contacted the police while running.

"AYANO." Taro yelled from afar. Ayano ran out of the room and ran up the stairs near the occult room. She saw Hana, one of the popular girls walking around. She knew that she took pictures of anything that was interesting enough. She walked up behind her while Hana was on her phone and immediately grabbed her. She dragged Hana to a nearby closet and locked her in there. Hana began to bang on the door.

"Hey! What are you doing!? This is sooo lame!" Hana yelled from the other side. Ayano opened the door and took Hana aggressively. She banged her head against the wall and Hana dropped to the ground. Ayano closed the door and headed up the stairs to lock up the rest of her friends so that there would be no video evidence.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The students around the fountain was wondering what was happening. Midori looked around for Kizana and noticed that she was gone.

"Kizana?" Midori looked around for her. The students also looked around for the Drama Club leader, but saw her nowhere. Ayano made it back to the fountain area after getting rid of all the popular girls. The students looked toward the club room exit and gasped at the knife in Ayano's hand. The students began to run out of the fountain area screaming.

"THIS WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED." Ayano erratically ran after the group, aiming to grab onto anyone that she could. She grabbed onto on of Kokona's twin drills. Kokona's eyes widened and she tried to release herself from Ayano's grip.

"What are you doing!? Let go! STOP!" Kokona pleaded. In the brink of time, Taro slid into the hall and ran toward Ayano. He did a spin and thwacked Ayano with the bat. Ayano immediately went stiff and fell onto the ground. Budo came in through the outside and stopped at the side of Ayano on the floor. He walked around her and hugged Taro tight.

"Alright, you got her. Now please stop at just her..." Budo pleaded, "You need to stop!"

"There were others involved..." He said soullessly.

"Taro, we need to just leave...this is our chance to just get away from here and just go home..." Budo said. He looked him in the eyes, "Let's go before things get worse..."

Taro looked at him unsure of what to do now. He wanted to leave with him, and he knew the perfect place they could go to. To just be away from the toxic environment of the school. The rumors were proven to be false, but their reputation would still suffer from the incident itself....

Reader's Choice. If you want the Good Ending/True Ending, continue reading to Chapter 21-22.  If you want to see the Bad Ending, skip to Chapter 21. 2 - 23.2 

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