Chapter 17- A Walk

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Thursday Morning

It was 7:30am. Ayano was on the phone with Oka. It turns out, she was more useful than Ayano thought. Ayano was in the Audiovisual room, while Oka was on the roof, this time not watching the Basu sisters.

"Look, you need to come back. You're my best spy." Ayano said.

"I'd...rather not..."

"Alright, how about this... if you stay and all of this works out.....I'll give you the key to the demon world...."

"Honestly... that is a great offer...however, I'd rather find it on my own than go back to this sanity has not been well participating in this plan of yours...sorry... I left the camera back in the Audiovisual room......I apologize for wasting your time..."

"But you can't leave! Remember the 'or else' Oka?...."

"I'm willing to risk it at this point... like I said, I will stay away from Taro, and I won't speak of anything that I know..."


"I'm sorry, Ayano...Good...bye...." Oka said then hung up. Ayano groaned and sat in a seat by a computer. She rested her head on her arms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Around 9 am, Taro and Budo were out walking around the neighborhood. They brought Hanako along so she wouldn't feel left out again. She was gleefully standing in between Budo and Taro. Budo was trying to get closer to Taro, but she often intersected. Budo tried again only for Hanako to 'accidentally' step on his foot. None of them felt bad about skipping school today. Taro looked at Budo, seeing the life gradually come back into his eyes. Hanako held in a groan from Taro ignoring her.

"So, how'd this happen?" Hanako asked. She was smiling. The boys looked down at her and awkwardly looked around.

"Uh, well..." Taro started, "This started when Budo invited me over to the Martial Arts club, since he's the leader in that...we started hanging out afterward and-"

"So when you get married, are you gonna forget about me?! Are you gonna go overseas to get married?" Hanako was teary eyed. Taro was wondering where that 180 came from.

"Hanako... I will not forget about you..."

"What do I get if you do?" Hanako asked. Taro pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"If I forget about you, I'll pay you 20 dollars every month for two years... how's that?"

"But if you forget about me, how will you remember to pay me?!" Hanako had her hands on her hips. Taro couldn't help but snicker.

"We promise not to forget about you, Hanako," Budo said, "Lets go get some food... I'm starving..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday Afternoon

Around lunchtime, the remaining members of the group were back in the Audiovisual room, of course by Ayano's demand. There was only Osana, Asu, and Osoro left. They were sitting at nearby computers. They were currently in silence, listening to the humming computers.

. . .

"This is a lot of work for this dude..." Osoro said.

"Agreed..." Asu said. She was resting her head on her hands. Osana's eyes were puffy from crying all of yesterday night.

"It's not even worth it anymore... Let's just turn this loser in to the cops already..."

"But then she'll kill us or someone we love..." Asu said. Her voice was weak from lack of sleep.

"Well Amai's in the hospital for a suicide attempt because of her..." Osoro said. Asu didn't respond. Her mind was spinning.

"And what about K-Kizana?....She's just gonna continue spreading stories...." Osana finally spoke.

"She can go with her..." Osoro said back, "All of this is aggressively dumb...This girl has a screw loose..."

The door slid open and the girls looked to see who it was, hoping it was Oka for some reason. It was Ayano. She dragged a large dark bag into the room and shut the door. She lifted the bag and placed it on a nearby table. She was wearing all black and had on black gloves.

"Now what...." Osoro said. Ayano took out a butcher knife. The girls glared at the knife. Ayano turned toward the girls with a soulless glare back.

"What are you doing?..." Osana blurted out.

"It's what you'll be doing..."


"Kizana...She's becoming a problem with her stories... I'll need you to take her out... She could get all of us in trouble...Then afterward... we might need to do the same with Budo..." Ayano was observing the knife. Osana stood up.

"We are NOT murdering anyone!" Osana said.

"You will do exactly as I say..."

"I'm tired of taking orders from a second year!..." Osoro yelled. Ayano groaned.

"Well this second year can do a lot of damage to you, your family, your reputation, and your life, therefore YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY..."

The girls silenced. Osana began to tear up angrily. She pulled on her ponytails. Her ponytails had split ends from how much she's pulled on her hair. They also looked shorter. Ayano aggressively handed Osana the knife.

"You'll kill Kizana..."




"What is with you girls becoming so WEAK all of a sudden?? Don't you want Taro back on the market? Don't YOU LOVE HIM?" She breathed heavily.

"We don't even care about him anymore! Just stop this!" Osoro yelled, "This was the BIGGEST waste of time!" Ayano retreated to her mind.

"I can't let them go yet... things didn't get toxic enough... They have to do something horrible so I can expose them! They're giving up too early...think..." Ayano thought. She looked at the girls and placed the knife down. She handed the knife toward Osana.

"At least...hold see if you could actually do this... Like you could with Budo's dad..." Ayano sad. Osana looked at her harshly.

"If I hold it, will you leave me out of this task?"


Osana sighed and reached for the knife. She took it from Ayano and held it. She immediately gave it back quickly, but on the wrong edge. She accidentally cut Ayano's palm.

"Ouch! What was that for??"

"Huh? I-I'm sorry! It was by accident!" Osana said. Osoro quickly looked at Ayano, catching on quick.

"Wait..." Osoro said.

"Meeting dismissed while I go find a bandaid..." Ayano said. She grabbed the bag and pulled it out of the room. She smirked.

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now