Chapter 8 - We'll Be Fine

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While the class was taking notes, Budo was only half focused on the lesson. He looked down at the notes, reading them over and over.


"Don't exploit a serious issue for money, you monster..."

"Don't hit girls, loser..."

"Don't touch us, gay boy..."

Kizana's handy work had really warped how the relationship looked to others.It wasn't necessarily the comments themselves that messed with him, but rather the fact that he received these in the first place. He covered the notes with his notebook and looked back up at the teacher. Everything seemed normal. It was a review day, so he let his mind drift off. The night he and Taro kissed was the first to pop up in his mind. The kiss Taro returned back to him changed him.

He was sure he would have failed that night, but things went right. His nervousness around Taro had been driving him mad lately. He couldn't stop thinking about the doe eyed stair Taro gave him every time they talked. He's never seen eyes so large. The way he talked was even different. Not too confident, yet gracious. Every thought of him was bathed in this unusual sunlight. Budo's face was tinted red while he thought about being with Taro.

"I like being nervous around you..." He thought, "I want all of this to end well... It has to... I wouldn't know how to handle this if it doesn't... please..."

Meanwhile Taro was glaring at the students. They were passing a note around. Not much happened at Akademi High social wise, so of course people would hop onto any story they get their hands on.

"I know one of you did it... Kokona? Musume? " He thought to himself, "I know it was someone in here... All you people do is just bully each other... Do you have any lives of your own? Believing everything you're told?? You all will leave Budo and me alone... I'm not breaking because you want to be awful.. This is why I don't talk to any of you! All you do is talk about other people and yourselves..." His heart rate went up, "We're gonna be just fine... Nothing will break us...Nothing..." His eyes then widened. He looked around and relaxed his shoulders.

"I..Can't do that to people... I need to just keep calm like Budo said..." He thought.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Friday Afternoon*

Taro and Budo sat on the roof for lunch again. Neither one ate their food yet. Taro was fiddling with Budo's fingers.

"Who are we going to tell?" Taro asked.

"Why do we need to?"

Osana was heading up to the roof to have lunch with Taro. She stopped at the sound of him and Budo talking. Her heart dropped at the question. She peaked from the door. Budo sighed and smoothed out his hair.

"Budo... We can't hide this forever... I mean when the time comes for it, who will we tell first?..."

"Well... anyone but my dad... He just cannot know. He would be devastated if I was with you. I'm his only son...well...his only right in the head son..."

"I would tell Hanako, but she's not the type to be able to keep a secret... She means well, but... she's also really loud..." Taro rubbed the back of his neck. Budo looked at him and kissed the side of his head.

"We don't need to be in the rush... Let's just... enjoy this while we can... these rumors aren't leaving anytime soon.."

Taro looked at how drained Budo was from the rumors. He didn't like seeing how lifeless he's become. His face grew mean.

"Budo," Taro started, "We will be just fine here... Don't worry about anything..." He hugged him.

Osana went back into the hall and was now pulling on her ponytails. She was holding in a scream.

"Oh no...What am I going to do?," She whispered to herself, "How am I going to do this? I can't! I need the cops here! I-"

"Meeting..." She heard Ayano say with a tap on her shoulder. Osana followed defeated as if what she just whispered was never said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The girls were back in the Audiovisual room in their semi circle. Ayano was confronting Kizana.

"You need to stop spreading rumors..."

"But things are just getting good, Ayano! There's so much I can say for the people! I already have a whole backstory~" Kizana said excited. Ayano pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Fine... but keep Taro out of the rest of the rumors for now on."

"Oh I'm afraid I can't do that, darling~" Ayano looked up at her with an intense glare.


"See, the people here at school love my storytelling skills~ They come to me for the newest updates on Taro and Budo! I've became a reliable resource for this story, and I'm loving it! People will believe and listen to anything I say~ I even got them to support the Drama Club with donations! I can't just give this up! You understand right, Yan Chan? After all, I'm just following orders that you gave~"

Ayano just stared at her, unsure of how to turn this around without leaving her fingerprints on this plan. Osoro glared at Ayano.

"Hey, speaking of that, what are YOU doing in this plan?..." Osoro said. All eyes were on Ayano.

"Well," Ayano started looking around, "I am the planner... and you are the doers. I give the instructions, and you do them. I need an intelligent and skilled team of girls to do this task since you each have a very special skill that I can't do on my own. All I can do is organize the events. Sooo think of me as theeeee... director... Don't worry. We will all benefit at the end. With Budo eliminated, it will be fair game. Whoever gets him first, gets him first."

Everyone but Osoro nodded. Osoro continued to cross her arms and glare.

"If you really expect me to believe that crap, you're wrong..."

"You don't have to, but just know that with all of us, we will be closer to our and your goal... If you still even have it that is..." Ayano said back. Osoro groaned.

"Well, if you say this will help then, I guess I trust you..." Osana said. Osoro rolled her eyes.

"Good. Now.... Oka. You will need to go back to Taro's house to spy. Osana..." Ayano glared at her. Osana sighed and scratched her head. She nodded afterward. Oka nodded and got her camera ready for later.

"Meeting over. You are dismissed..."

The girls headed out the door and to their next classes, or off campus in Osoro's case. Amai was still shivering. Osoro looked down at her and sighed.

"She can't get away with this... Don't worry too much about it..." Osoro said. Amai continued to shiver. Osoro lifted her up and walked down the hall with her. Amai was hanging limp.

Do It (Budo x Taro) A Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now